October 28 2021

October 28, 2021

Material Shortages and Supply Chain Disruptions are Causing Delays

Recent material shortages have EWEB increasingly concerned about our ability to meet timelines for electric and water construction projects.

October 22 2021

October 22, 2021

Monitoring of Trail Bridge "Sinkholes" Continues

As part of our routine monitoring efforts, EWEB conducted a bathymetric survey of Trail Bridge Reservoir in May 2021 and found unusual depressions. EWEB conducted follow-up inspections with a remotely operated underwater vehicle along with dye testing by divers in early June 2021. Based on the dye tests, the two larger depressions are actively taking water and are considered sinkholes. Subsequent dye testing and geophysical investigations in July and August indicated that there is no concentrated seepage flow through or under Trail Bridge Dam.

October 20 2021

October 20, 2021

Spill Drill 2021

EWEB Leads "Spill Drill" to test HazMat Response

October 04 2021

October 04, 2021

Public Power Equals Local Control

Unlike for-profit utilities who serve their investors, EWEB and other public power providers are community-owned and do not operate to earn a profit or benefit stockholders. Our prices are based on the costs to serve our community with safe, reliable water and electricity.

September 30 2021

September 30, 2021

Hardening the Grid to Lower Fire Risk

While most wildfires are started by lightning strikes or caused by human actions, utilities have a role to play in risk reduction -- and we are doing our part. And while we can’t stop wildfires, we can make our electric infrastructure more resilient to better withstand fires by using new construction methods and materials and keeping our system maintenance up to date by replacing aging equipment.