July 15 2021

July 15, 2021

$50,000 Greenpower Grants awarded to The Eugene Mission and Friends of Trees Eugene Metro

The Eugene Water & Electric Board will award $50,000 grants to The Eugene Mission and Friends of Trees Eugene Metro later this month after Greenpower program subscribers voted for their top two projects out of 11 submissions.

June 28 2021

June 28, 2021

No Fireworks at College Hill Water Storage Site

EWEB will continue the annual closure of our College Hill Reservoir over the Fourth of July holiday and prohibit fireworks on the property grounds.

June 23 2021

June 23, 2021

Drought Continues

In the McKenzie River Basin, we can actually count on years of stored water supply - thanks to the McKenzie’s unique geology.

June 21 2021

June 21, 2021

Could a Water Crisis Happen Here?

A disruption last week at a major chlorine producer in Longview, Wash., created a chlorine and caustic soda supply shortage that has affected water and wastewater utilities in Oregon and along the West Coast. Learn what EWEB is doing to protect our community's infrastructure.

June 17 2021

June 17, 2021

EWEB Not Impacted By Chlorine Shortage

EWEB is aware of the potential chlorine and caustic soda supply shortage that could affect water and wastewater utilities in Oregon and along the West Coast. The good news is that our customers are unlikely to see any impacts should the chlorine shortage intensify.