Protecting Drinking Water Through Shared Stewardship, Ownership and Commitment
As we continue to care for our critical infrastructure, we must also protect the source of our drinking water—the McKenzie River and its surrounding watershed.
As we continue to care for our critical infrastructure, we must also protect the source of our drinking water—the McKenzie River and its surrounding watershed.
On the heels of the Holiday Farm Fire, additional water quality sensors have been placed in the main stem of the river, as well as in several creeks and tributaries.
Voluntary program helps residents restore their land and prepare for rebuilding, while reducing the impacts of the fire on the McKenzie River.
Heavy rain in the McKenzie Valley over the weekend gave EWEB’s water quality team a close look at the potential impacts from the Holiday Farm Fire on source water.
Crews of young people are helping to protect Eugene’s drinking water by mitigating the impact of post-fire soil erosion along the McKenzie River.