November 21 2019

November 21, 2019

Energy Efficiency Programs Earn National Recognition

We are proud to announce that we have earned national attention for our customer-centric energy efficiency programs that help customers save money by conserving energy.

November 20 2019

November 20, 2019

Powered by People Like Leah

An organization is only as strong as its employees. Good thing we have people like Leah who have a strong sense of quality customer service.

November 15 2019

November 15, 2019

Time to Upgrade Your Heating System?

At some point, it may be time for a new heating system for your home or rental property. But how do you know if the system needs replacement or repair?

November 15 2019

November 15, 2019

Power by People Like Matt

An organization is only as strong as its employees. Good thing we have people like Matt. Read how Matt's journey to work at EWEB started with a fateful trip to the PNW as a child.

November 14 2019

November 14, 2019

Our Top 5 Tips for Saving Water and Energy this Thanksgiving

While a nice plump turkey is welcome at Thanksgiving, no one wants a fat utility bill at the end of the month.