January 12 2020

January 12, 2020

My EV Story: Greg's Chevy Bolt

I can't say enough positive things about my Chevy Bolt.

January 09 2020

January 09, 2020

Powered by People Like Megan

An organization is only as strong as its people. After 30 years in the utility industry, Megan still has a sparkle in her eye when talking about her work.

January 06 2020

January 06, 2020

Powered by People Like Zulema

An organization is only as strong as its people. Ask staff who work in EWEB's contact center about their best day at work, and you'll lose count of how many times the stories involve Zulema.

December 19 2019

December 19, 2019

Powered by People Like Misty

An organization is only as strong as its people. Misty has been helping customers for over 15 years as EWEB's loan administrator.

December 09 2019

December 09, 2019

Powered by People Like Chris

An organization is only as strong as its people. We are thankful for Chris who brings his good spirits and friendly nature to his work every day.