November 30 2023

November 30, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

EWEB Recognized with Excellence in Communications Awards from American Public Power Association

We are proud to have been recognized with two Excellence in Public Power Communications Awards for 2023 from the American Public Power Association (APPA).

November 06 2023

November 06, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

EWEB To Hold First of Two Public Hearings on Proposed 2024 Budget and Prices

At the Nov. 7 Board of Commissioners meeting, EWEB staff will present a proposed budget that includes rate increases necessary to support utility operations and make needed infrastructure investments.

November 03 2023

November 03, 2023 Jen Connors, EWEB Communications

Your EWEB Rates at Work: Investing Today for a Resilient Tomorrow

For more than a century, EWEB has planned, built, and maintained the systems that deliver safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible power and water to Eugene homes and businesses.

October 26 2023

October 26, 2023 Robyn Smith, EWEB Communications

River Road Substation returns to service after infrastructure upgrades

Supply chain shortages and proactive infrastructure investments, including constructing seismic foundations and implementing control modernization, have played a role in the substation's return-to-service timeline.

October 26 2023

October 26, 2023 Claire Wray, EWEB Communications

Public Power Week Poster Contest Winners 2023

The results are in! View the winning posters from EWEB's 2023 Public Power Week Poster Contest.