EWEB cuts greenhouse gas emissions from operations 55% since 2010
Switching to renewable fuels in EWEB’s fleet operations has played a key role in reducing the utility's greenhouse gas emissions.
Switching to renewable fuels in EWEB’s fleet operations has played a key role in reducing the utility's greenhouse gas emissions.
Preliminary results of an EWEB study indicate that cutting back demand can contribute to maintaining a reliable, affordable energy supply.
EWEB expresses disappointment that groups choose court over collaboration and firmly disputes the claims made in the lawsuit relating to operation of the utility’s Carmen-Smith Hydroelectric Project nearly 70 miles east of Eugene. EWEB takes its environmental and public safety responsibilities seriously. Contrary to the assertions in the lawsuit, construction of fish passage was postponed because EWEB’s regulator, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), required the utility to study and resolve urgent dam safety issues first.
EWEB under-estimated energy usage for about one-fifth of upriver customers in December or January, resulting in higher true-up bills in February.
The Greenpower Grant, funded by voluntary customer subscriptions to Greenpower, not customer grants, supports projects that advance renewable energy, clean energy education or efforts to reduce or offset local carbon emissions.