Questions about our spill response program?
Email us or call 541-685-7355.
EWEB is proactive in responding to hazardous spills or other emergencies that could threaten the McKenzie River's water quality. We have worked with a federal, state and local agencies to implement the McKenzie Watershed Emergency Response System (MWERS).

Report a hazard:
First, call Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS): 1-800-452-0311.
You can also call the Hayden Bridge Water Treatment Plant: 541-341-8500.
Incident commanders use MWERS to quickly gain access to crucial information, equipment and trained people, making the overall response more effective. Watershed responders use geographic information system (GIS) technology to retrieve information on threats, critical resources, available equipment, and other information needed during a crisis. This information allows them to efficiently and effectively stabilize accidental or intentional chemical spills as soon as possible. The McKenzie Geographic Response Plan outlines strategies we have developed to respond to spills throughout the McKenzie and Willamette Watersheds.