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Bill Copy Availability

We are currently experiencing technical issues viewing customer bills. Bill pdf copies are currently unavailable for download on the customer portal. We are working with our vendor to resolve this issues as quickly as possible. 

  • Choosing Clean Energy

    With EWEB’s 90 percent renewable power, choosing clean energy over fossil fuels is a lot easier than you might realize.

    Choosing Clean Energy

    If you're building or renovating a home, upgrading appliances, or buying a car, you will have important decisions to make, such as the type of energy you'd like to use. By understanding the differences between your options, you'll be able to make a confident, informed decision that aligns with your values, budget and needs.

    Whether it's the price of energy, the efficiency of appliances, or your personal carbon footprint, there are several things to consider when making your choice.

    • Where Your Power Comes From

      EWEB’s electricity is approximately 90% carbon-free, largely because of low-cost hydropower from dams on the Columbia River

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      Smart Meters & Smart Grid
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      A cleaner energy future requires modernizing our power grid and water network.

      Solar electric program
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      Our solar electric program allows you to produce clean, renewable power at your home while also helping us decrease the amount of power we purchase from non-renewable sources.