Daylight savings prepare your property
Beyond changing your clocks and enjoying the extra hour of sleep, the end of daylight savings is a good time to perform seasonal safety and efficiency maintenance tasks on your home or rental property.
Beyond changing your clocks and enjoying the extra hour of sleep, the end of daylight savings is a good time to perform seasonal safety and efficiency maintenance tasks on your home or rental property.
Is your rental property wasting energy and water? Find out with a free efficiency audit from EWEB.
EWEB staff developed an After Action Report to review EWEB's response to the February 2019 snow storm and the impacts of the storm, both on the community and EWEB's electrical infrastructure.
Due to recent severe weather conditions our meter reading staff could not safely complete their assigned routes Feb. 24-28, 2019. Customers in a few areas of Eugene, east Springfield and the McKenzie River Valley will have estimated readings on their next bill.
As of 8 a.m. Saturday morning, there are just under 2,000 customers who remain without power. This includes a little over 200 in the Eugene area, and about 1,700 in the Mckenzie River Valley. Most of the remaining Eugene-area outages are single homes, which can be extremely labor intensive, particulalry those with accessibility issues, such as backyard service lines with no access for bucket trucks. We will continue to work until every customer is restored.