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EWEB and BRING cook up new ways to help Eugene businesses save energy
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Eugene residents share energy and water saving tips
From blocking a draft to replacing your heating system, each action you take can save water and electricity.
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EWEB customers and employees share the love through Energy Share donations
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Cold Weather, Higher Energy Bills: Why It Happens
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EWEB Board Approves 2025 Budget and Rate Increases to Fund Critical Infrastructure Investments
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Giving the gift of preparedness
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EWEB continues 2025 budget and rate-setting process
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2025 rate update: Less than Initially Forecasted
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EWEB Launches 2024 Residential Customer Survey
EWEB has again partnered with professional research firm, GreatBlue Research, Inc., to conduct a survey of residential customers, starting October 30, 2024.
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Smart meters make UO move-in easier
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EWEB to Mitigate 2025 Rate Increases to Reduce Customer Impacts
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EWEB customers achieve remarkable results in environmental stewardship through EWEB's Lead Green programs
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EWEB explores rate increases to cover rising costs and to modernize infrastructure
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EWEB preparing for expected surge in electric vehicles
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Air Quality Concerns Hamper EWEB Meter Readers
September 17, 2020
Due to recent air quality concerns, our meter reading staff have been unable to safely complete their assigned routes begining September 8. We continue to monitor the Air Quality Index (AQI) closely and will resume regular meter reading activities when safe to do so.
When meter readers are not able to obtain an actual reading, EWEB uses historical usage patterns to estimate your usage for billing purposes. There are some customers who have smart meters, who may also receive an estimated bill even though they do not require a manual meter reading.
Your next EWEB bill will reflect this estimated reading. The word "estimated" should appear in the line with the current meter reading for electric and water service. This example below shows the electric portion of a bill. Customers with water service will have "estimated" on the water portion of their bill as well.
Estimated readings can be higher or lower than actual usage; however, bills self-correct in the billing cycle when the meter is actually read, ensuring you pay for energy and/or water that you actually used.
Barring any unforeseen issues, meter readers will provide actual readings next month and your following bill will reflect this "true-up" process.