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Browse the publications and reports listed below to learn more about what's going on at EWEB.

Our strategic vision
Every good organization has a vision. We've got one — and we want to share it with you.
Strategic Vision
Organizational Goals
EWEB’s organizational goals are monitored and reported quarterly using defined performance metrics.
Our budget
Each December, EWEB commissioner approve an annual budget for the next calendar year.
The total electric and water utility budget for 2025 is $489.6 million, representing an increase of 3.8% compared to the 2024 budget. The increase will allow EWEB to face challenges like the bubble of aging infrastructure on both sides of the utility, as well as plan ahead for volatile power markets and develop a second source of water.
EWEB Budget
Quarterly Report
The General Manager's Report for 2024 Q4 and Year-End Report is intended to give our customer-owners a comprehensive and transparent view of the organization's results.
Read the report
Drinking water reports and test results
Our technicians as well as independent laboratories collect and test more than 85,000 samples from source to tap each year. EWEB is proud to say that we have never violated a maximum contaminant level or any other water quality standard established by EPA.
Read the reports
Financial reports
Part of being a public utility is being transparent about our finances. Each year, we publish financial statements that are audited by an independent certified public accountant.
We support and encourage the routine disclosure of information. If you can't find what you're looking for in routine channels, you may make a public records request.
It's important that you have easy access to our policies, procedures, fees, charges and rates for electricity, water and other services.