Dedicated support contact
We have established a dedicated support center for customers impacted by the Holiday Farm Fire. Please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to answer questions, expedite service requests, and listen to your needs in order to understand how we can best help you through recovery and rebuilding. You can send a general inquiry email or contact your account representative directly:
- Cheryl Froehlich at 541-685-7676, or cheryl.froehlich@eweb.org
- Caitlin Pratt at 541-685-7414, or caitlin.pratt@eweb.org
Underground Electric Service Lines
Septic System Repair & Replacement Grants
Septic System and Infrastructure Loan
Homesite Relocation Funding
Energy Efficiency Incentives for New Construction
FEMA Funding for Private Wells
McKenzie Valley Fire Rebuilding Resources Brochure
Underground Electric Service Lines
EWEB offers financial assistance to help in the rebuilding process for our customers impacted by the Holiday Farm Fire. EWEB is actively investing in underground service lines wherever practical for customers rebuilding within the Holiday Farm Fire perimeter who require substantial repair or full replacement of the service line. EWEB will evaluate existing utility infrastructure and site characteristics to determine whether underground service can be provided.
Funding for this program expires 12/31/2025. We encourage property owners looking to rebuild or restore service to contact us as soon as possible, even if you are only in the planning stages.
What to Expect
EWEB will install the upper half of the pole dip and pole dip conductor to the box and provide mounting brackets.
The property owner will be responsible for the installation of the first ten feet of conduit up the pole from the box, service lateral conduit and conductor between the box and service equipment.
Reimbursement will cover property owner’s installation costs up to but not including the metering equipment.
Reimbursable expenses will be capped at:
- $60/ft for 200A services
- $70/ft for services greater than 200A
Possible exclusions include:
- Topography
- Intersecting highways
- Land use limitations
- Soil conditions
- Archeological prohibitions
Request for service must be received by December 31, 2025 to be considered for funding.
For more information about eligibility for this service, contact our Distribution Engineering department.
Phone: 541-685-7521
Email: distributionengineering@EWEB.org
Septic System Repair & Replacement Grants
Federal funding issued through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is available to help eligible McKenzie River community members impacted by the Holiday Farm Fire re-establish functioning septic systems and protect the river from pollution. Additional details on the program and eligibility requirements can be found on the Landowner Assistance Programs page.
For homeowners who have entered into loan agreements with EWEB’s 0% Septic Infrastructure Loan Program, grant funding will first apply to any outstanding balance. If the approved grant funding amount exceeds the loan payoff amount, EWEB will issue a check for the remainder.
If you have question please give us a call or email (541-685-7318, misty.fisher@eweb.org).
Septic System and Infrastructure Loan
In addition to the Relocation Funding, landowners may also apply for a zero-interest loan through EWEBs Septic System and Infrastructure program. Additional details can be found on the Landowner Assistance Programs page.
Homesite Relocation Program
Eligible landowners in the Holiday Farm Fire perimeter can be awarded up to $7,000 for rebuilding their homes or septic systems outside of the riparian setback or special flood hazard area.
Relocation Incentive
Property owners who move their building footprints further back from a waterway will be eligible for $2,000 in advance of construction, which is intended to reward landowners for rebuilding in a way that protects water quality.
Infrastructure Grants
Additionally, EWEB will offer grant funding for landowners who install advanced septic systems or incur out-of-pocket expenses to relocate their infrastructure in order to minimize risk to the McKenzie River. The grant amount will be 50% out of pocket expenses not to exceed $5,000.
Customers interested in the Homesite Relocation Program must first secure land use and building permits through Lane County.  Lane County will inform landowners of site relocation options and eligibility for EWEB funding programs.
Other eligibility criteria:
- Property must be located within the Holiday Farm Fire perimeter.
- Property must be located within the Pure Water Partners program boundary.
- Existing or prior land use permit is located within the riparian setback area or Special Flood Hazard Area.
- Property relocation must meet or improve adherence to current riparian setback or Special Flood Hazard Area requirements.
- Lane County Land Use and Building permits must be secured by October 1, 2025.
Energy Efficiency Incentives for New Construction
Landowners who are rebuilding after the Holiday Farm Fire may also qualify for additional energy efficiency incentives. Details can be found on the New Construction Program page.
Private Wells, Septic Systems May be Eligible for FEMA Assistance
FEMA may provide financial assistance for the repair of real property components, including wells and septic systems, which includes reimbursement for the cost of a licensed technician's professional assessment associated with the repair or replacement of those components. Additionally, when verifiable receipts or estimates are submitted on appeal, FEMA may pay up to the actual cost of the receipt or estimate for wells and septic systems, within the Housing Assistance cap of $35,500.
Because water/sewer capacity is a necessity for a home to be habitable, a homeowner who had no damage to their structure but their well or septic system was damaged could still be eligible for well/septic assistance, even though their home was not damaged. Similarly, most insurance does not cover wells/septic systems, so even insured applicants could be eligible for this assistance, up to the maximum grant amount. They would have to provide a copy of their insurance settlement for review to ensure there is not a duplication of benefits. Survivors who have questions or need assistance may call the FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362. A Helpline Agent can discuss the specifics of their case and provide guidance needed to address their questions.
Contact FEMARelated Programs
EWEB is heavily involved in protecting drinking water in the aftermath of the Holiday Farm Fire.