Email our energy experts at or call 541-685-7088 for more information and to get started.
For all loan specific questions, email or call 541-685-7318.
Building a new home or apartment building, or purchasing a new manufactured home?
EWEB offers incentives for newly built NEEM certified manufactured homes and for the installation of energy efficient heating systems and water heating systems in new construction single-family units. For new construction multi-family building projects, we offer incentives based on various Bonneville Power Administration approved certifications, including Earth Advantage. New construction single-family and multi-family certified affordable housing projects may qualify for additional rebates.
We offer these rebates
Single-family Site built homes (4 units or less):
- Variable Speed Ducted Heat Pump installations: $1000. See our Ducted Heat Pump page for additional information.
- Ductless Heat Pump installations: $1000. See our Ductless Heat Pump page for additional information. Note: the New Construction rebate is higher.
- Heat Pump Water Heater installations: $900. See our Heat Pump Water page for additional information.
Manufactured homes:
- Electrically heated NEEM 1.1-certified manufactured home: $1200. Electrically heated NEEM 2.0-certified manufactured home: $1400. Learn about the technical specifications and difference between NEEM 1.1 and 2.0. These homes can qualify for additional ductless heat pump, ducted heat pump, and/or heat pump water heater upgrades.
Multi-family housing:
- Rebates per apartment unit if the building earns various energy efficiency certifications.
- Packaged Terminal Heat Pump installations: $125.
- Additional incentives are available. See our Multi-family page for additional information.
Get started!
Apply online for New Construction rebates. When we receive and process your application, we will send you a confirmation email.
- If you prefer to mail in a paper application, please contact our Customer Solutions Team at 541-685-7088 or email at
Learn more
Not only can a heat pump water heater be cheaper to operate than a natural gas water heater, they also offer more control.