Here in Eugene, we are fortunate to have one of the cleanest power portfolios in the nation, with almost no electricity sourced from fossil fuels. Eighty percent of Eugene's power comes from carbon-free hydroelectric energy. The remaining 20 percent of our power comes from conventional and renewable resources.
Understanding the resources, technology, and infrastructure that will be needed to meet customers' future electricity needs.
For more than 50 years, Carmen-Smith has reliably served our customers with low-cost, local hydropower. Relicensing the project includes upgrading much of the equipment, campground improvements, and more fish-friendly operations.

Our beautiful northwest rivers not only support diverse recreation, vibrant farms, and abundant fish and wildlife. They also are our primary source of clean, reliable and affordable energy.
Hydroelectric plants are a carbon-free generation resource. Because it's fueled by water, the Northwest's hydroelectric power base does not produce air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to hydropower, the region is able to avoid the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to more than 10 million cars. That means we're all breathing easier thanks to the clean air benefits of hydropower.
Nearly 80 percent of Eugene's power comes from hydroelectric projects. EWEB customers own or co-own four such projects: Leaburg and Walterville hydroelectric projects, Stone Creek, and Carmen-Smith. The Carmen-Smith Hydroelectric Project, located 70 miles east of Eugene on the upper McKenzie River is our largest utility-owned power source, and has reliably served Eugene with low-cost hydropower since 1963.
Other owned and co-owned resources
Around 20 percent of your power comes from community-owned or co-owned projects, including the four hydroelectric projects mentioned above. Other owned or co-owned projects include:
- Harvest Wind Project
- International Paper Biomass/Natural Gas

Bonneville Power Administration
We generate around 20 percent of the community's power using EWEB-owned or co-owned resources. The remaining 80 percent comes from power purchase agreements, with the vast majority of purchased power coming from Bonneville Power Administration. BPA is a non-profit federal agency operating in the Pacific Northwest.
BPA markets wholesale electrical power from 31 federal hydroelectric projects in the Northwest, one nonfederal nuclear plant and several small nonfederal power plants. Learn more about hydropower in the Northwest.
Other contracted resources
While the majority of purchased power comes from Bonneville Power Administration, we receive a small amount of power from a handful of other contracted resources, including:
- Klondike III Wind Farm
- Stateline Wind Farm
- Seneca Biomass
- Consumer-owned Solar

Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standard
In 2007 Oregon enacted Senate Bill 838, the Oregon Renewable Energy Act (Act), which created a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that all Oregon electric utilities must follow. The purpose of the RPS is to decrease Oregon utilities reliance on fossil fuels for electric generation and increase their use of renewable energy sources.
For 2023, EWEB’s RPS portfolio obligation, after applying resource exemptions, is 106,054 MWhs. The retirement of these RECs has been completed and surplus RECs have been banked for future use or sold.
Read our 2023 Renewable Portfolio Standard Compliance ReportPublic Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA)
The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) was passed in 1978 to promote conservation of energy, efficient use of facilities and resources, and provide equitable rates to customers. Over the years, PURPA has been updated with new standards. The recent Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act added standards relating to demand response (DR) and electric vehicle charging programs (EV).
EWEB is assessing how to apply the standards to us.
Read more about PURPA
Wholesale power sales & services
As a utility, EWEB utilizes the wholesale market to balance resource output with customer needs. As such, EWEB may, from time-to-time, have surplus wholesale electric energy to sell. In addition to internal management, EWEB provides wholesale trading and scheduling services for external parties looking to balance their portfolio.
Helpful contactsSurplus energy
EWEB may, from time to time, have surplus energy to sell. EWEB hereby provides notice of the potential availability of surplus energy and capacity for durations of one day or longer. Available quantities and prices of surplus energy will vary.
EWEB will make such surplus electric energy sales under terms consistent with the Bonneville Power Administration's Policy on Determining Net Requirements of Pacific Northwest Utility Customers under Sections 5(b)(1) and 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act. For general contact information regarding EWEB's available surplus energy, please refer to EWEB's Wholesale Power Sales and Services page.
Surplus requests
Requests for specific surplus energy will be accepted by EWEB through 2:00pm PST Monday through Friday, and may be submitted in writing via email to and
Additional information
If you have questions regarding the availability of surplus energy or inquiries related to specific offers, please contact Kevin Cardoza at (541) 685-7338 or the Day Ahead Traders line at (541) 685-7556.
Related Programs
Managing peak electricity demand is a critical component of achieving climate recovery goals and keeping energy affordable for all customers.
As a public utility, we share our customers' values around environmental stewardship.
Here are some of the ways we work proactively to keep the lights on and the tap water flowing.