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Electric Reliability Projects

From the 1950s to the 1970s, Eugene was growing fast as new residents and industries moved to the area. To keep up with growing demand for electricity, EWEB went through a building boom of electric infrastructure. The equipment installed during that time makes up most of the equipment in EWEB’s electrical grid today, but that infrastructure is reaching the end of its useful life and no longer meets modern systematic expectations. 

To maintain the reliability customers have come to know and trust, EWEB must address an aging infrastructure bubble.

Despite the age of our equipment, the power we supply is 99.25% reliable, based on 2024 metrics for outage occurrences and length of outages, excluding major events like the January Ice Storm. However, even when we factor in that major outage event, EWEB's electricity was still 90.7% reliable last year. That level of electric reliability is due to the infrastructure that delivers it and the staff who maintain it. From power plants to distribution and transmission lines, substations to transformers — utility infrastructure is a complex system that requires investment and maintenance to provide constant, reliable power.

EWEB's 10-year Capital Improvement Plan for major infrastructure investments to rehabilitate, replace, and install new infrastructure will ensure we meet the current and future needs of our community, while maintaining reliable service. Some of the electric infrastructure projects include:

  • Rebuilding substations to increase capacity and improve reliability
  • Investing in updated meter technology investments to reduce costs and improve service
  • Implementing wildfire safety and prevention programs
  • Transmission and distribution modernization
  • Replacing aging or end-of-life equipment

We're partnering with you on a reliable future

To ensure a reliable tomorrow, we need to put in the work today, and the rates you pay as an EWEB customer help us do just that. In 2022, for the first time in five years, EWEB’s utility rates increased. Rising costs from inflation and near-term supply chain shortages as well as the need to upgrade aging infrastructure, require an increase in the fees we charge for water and electric services. A percentage of your rates will help fund a new era of distribution infrastructure, providing reliable power for customers for the next half a century and beyond. 

  • Where Your Power Comes From

    EWEB’s electricity is approximately 90% carbon-free, largely because of low-cost hydropower from dams on the Columbia River

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