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EWEB is working on several pipeline projects to enhance the reliability and seismic resiliency of drinking water service for Eugene residents. The work is part of a multi-year plan to upgrade aging infrastructure and build new water facilities designed to withstand a large earthquake or other natural disaster.
EWEB is committed to being a good neighbor during construction by completing projects as safely and efficiently as possible, but construction may cause traffic disruptions or other inconveniences. Whenever possible, work will be coordinated to reduce the impacts on close by neighbors, businesses, and travelers.
Important safety reminders:
- Avoid active work zones if possible.
- When you need enter the work zone, please wait for the contractor or EWEB staff to escort you safely through. This may take a few minutes but will ensure you pass though the work area safely.
- Make sure to check your surroundings, including overhead.
- When heavy equipment is in use, make eye contact with the operator and wait for them to acknowledge you before entering the work zone.
- Remember that construction equipment can move suddenly and quickly.
- Don't linger. Get through quickly and watch your step.
Water Pipeline on E. 40th Avenue and Hilyard Street
In September 2023, EWEB began constructing a 36-inch water transmission pipeline and 24-inch storm drain replacement on Hilyard Street between E. 33rd Ave. and Patterson Street. The project connects the new E. 40th water storage tanks to the water transmission system near 33rd Ave. and upgrades nearly one mile of existing drinking water pipe, while improving reliability for our community and capacity for neighborhood firefighting protection.
The transmission main is constructed out of welded steel, which is one of the most seismically robust materials available and can have a lifespan of over 100 years. The project also replaced and improved stormwater piping along Hilyard Street.
In addition to the transmission pipeline, smaller distribution pipes will be replaced or added. These pipes ensure safe, reliable drinking water directly to neighbors’ homes and businesses.
This will be the final phase of an almost 10-year project to connect together multiple reservoirs and pump stations for redundancy, resiliency, improved water quality, and to allow EWEB to retire and replace aging infrastructure in the area.

Construction Work January - April 2025
The Eugene Water & Electric Board has entered the final phase of upgrading and connecting the Hilyard Street transmission water main at East 33rd Avenue. The work will also includes relocating and replacing electric infrastructure.
From February to April, expect construction activity and intermittent traffic impacts, including detours, sidewalk and bike lane closures on Hilyard St., E 33rd Ave., E 34th Ave., and E 34th Alley.
Traffic Impacts
As of mid-March, the work continues to move north, it may be necessary to close East 33rd Ave. Please note that both 33rd and 34th Avenues will not be closed at the same time due to traffic flow requirements. If it is necessary to close off East 33rd Ave, East 34th will open. Signage and barricades will be placed in advance of closures. Businesses can be accessed via alternative routes.
As a reminder for everyone’s safety, please observe all posted traffic controls, parking restrictions, and detours. Cyclists and pedestrians should take extra care to follow traffic and closure signage as the active construction zone shifts north to the empty lot.
Vegetation restoration and monitoring may continue after construction work is complete. Road closures will not be necessary, but you may see EWEB or our contractors on site for the next few months.
Neighborhood Impacts
Installation of the new pipeline will begin at E. 34th Alley during the week of February 3 and move north toward E. 33rd Ave.
Construction activity will create noise, vibration, dust, and may disrupt normal neighborhood activity. Work will typically begin at 7:00 a.m. and conclude by 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
This final segment of work is expected to last approximately three months and marks a significant milestone in EWEB’s effort to upgrade and modernize Eugene’s water infrastructure, providing long-term benefits for our community.
News and Updates
We are committed to keeping our customer-owners informed about this project. In addition to information posted on this website, we will share regular updates through email, social media (follow us @EWEButility), traditional news media, and other channels.
Email Updates
March 14, 2025: Hilyard Pipeline: Construction Update
January 22, 2025: Hilyard Pipeline: Upcoming Construction Activity
August 28, 2024: Hilyard Pipeline Project Update
News Stories
The Register-Guard, March 21, 2025: What's that? Construction underway at E. 33rd and Hilyard in Eugene
Previous Construction Updates
Over the summer 2024, EWEB successfully completed the current phase of Hilyard pipeline construction and transitioned customers to the new water system. The work included constructing a 36-inch water transmission pipeline and replacing a 24-inch storm drain from the intersection of Patterson Street and E. 40th Avenue, down Hilyard Street to 33rd Avenue.
EWEB contractors performed temporary street repairs, allowing this heavily used stretch of Hilyard Street to be fully re-opened to vehicle traffic. These repairs will keep the road safe and passable until the City of Eugene begins its permanent paving project later this year. Visit the City's projects page for more information and updates about this City-led public works project.
In late September 2024, EWEB replaced the main water pipeline beneath E. 40th Avenue from Patterson Street west to Mill Street. The existing 6-inch cast iron pipe, installed in the 1950s, was upgraded to new 12-inch ductile iron pipe. The smaller service pipes that connect to homes and buildings was also replaced.
Join the project email list for updates
Saving Native Plants: Camas Bulbs
A segment of the city-owned empty lot between East 33rd Ave and East 34th Ave is classified as wetlands, which requires additional care during construction projects. This care includes a pre-approved filtered dewatering plan, reduced ground disturbance, vegetation restoration, and additional requirements that are embedded in EWEB’s project plan.
During construction, the team also discovered the soil was rich with Camas Bulbs, a native bulb-producing plant that is ecologically and culturally significant to the Willamette Valley. Working with the City of Eugene, EWEB identified a solution to temporarily store soil at our College Hill construction site to create space for the salvage of the Camas Bulbs. Once the rescue work is complete, the soil stored at College Hill will be returned to Hilyard and placed in the upper parts of the trench to protect other wetland species that may be in the soil
Through partnership and coordination with EWEB, Diane Steek, City of Eugene Ecologist for Parks and Open Space gathered volunteers during the weeks of March 3 and 10 to save over 450 camas bulbs! Over 220 have already been planted in the Westmoreland Park prairie area where volunteers are also doing an invasive grass removal project. Planting will continue over the weekend at Westmoreland Park and an additional wetland restoration site.
Check the City of Eugene Parks and Open Space website for more information on current projects and volunteer opportunities.