EWEB is owned by our customers and governed by an elected five-member Board of Commissioners. Four commissioners represent different geographic areas or "wards" and a fifth commissioner represents all EWEB customers in an at-large position. During their four-year terms, their job is to establish policies and values about how we serve you and to set EWEB’s long-term direction.
Customers are welcome and encouraged to contact commissioners and participate in public board meetings.
You are welcome to contact the commissioner representing your ward or send an email to all five commissioners. It's important to us you receive a timely response, so your email will be copied to the General Manager's office.
You may also send written comments and communication to:
EWEB, Attn: Board of Commissioners
4200 Roosevelt Boulevard
Eugene, OR 97402

Meet your commissioners
The citizens of Eugene elect five commissioners to four-year terms. Four commissioners represent specific wards of the city; the fifth member is elected "at large" by all city voters. The commissioners are responsible for overall governance of the utility.
Commissioner profiles
Public meetings
Commissioners hold regularly scheduled public meetings on the first Tuesday of each month, typically starting at 5:30 p.m. Customers and the general public are welcome and encouraged to attend. Visit the agenda page for the current month's meeting to read background information on agenda items. Click "Learn more" to access tentative future agendas, meeting materials and recordings.
Learn moreBoard policies
Review the policies by which the EWEB Board of Commissioners is governed.
Board policiesAlso of interest
"Working in a public organization where your intent is to help the community, and in our case for customers who are also the owners, is a tremendous responsibility. "
Browse through publications and reports to learn more about what's going on at EWEB.