Each year we make funds available to help customers who are struggling to pay their utility bills and who may be at risk of disconnection of services. EWEB's annual budget typically includes $1.2 million in funding to support the EWEB Customer Care Bill Assistance Program.
But, the need is much greater than what we are able to meet. Especially now, if you can help, please consider a one-time or recurring contribution to Energy Share. All donations go directly to those experiencing financial hardship or who are at risk for service disconnection.

Join us in helping our community
Your donation can help a neighbor in need. In 2021, customer donations provided an additional $230,000 in bill assistance to community members struggling to pay their bill! Your generosity will help make utility bill assistance available to those in need. Make a one-time contribution or pledge a monthly amount.
Use our online donation form: Your donation will be charged to your next EWEB bill (you will need your EWEB account number).
Send a check: Include a one-time donation with your next bill payment, or mail a check to EWEB Energy Share Donate, 4200 Roosevelt Blvd, Eugene OR 97402.
Donations may be tax-deductible in accordance with IRC 170(c); consult your tax advisor. We will send a year-end letter/receipt to donors in January. The letter will indicate the donation amount along with our tax ID number for your records. This means you can donate several times throughout the year or establish a recurring contribution and not worry about saving receipts.