2025 Electric Prices
As a residential customer, your electric pricing is made up of three charges: basic charge, delivery charge and energy charge.
The following prices are effective February 2025.
Basic Charge: covers the fixed costs of providing service, which don't change regardless of how much energy or water is used. These costs include equipment like meters, poles, transformers, and trucks, as well as customer service and billing functions.
$30.00 per month
Delivery Charge: covers the costs to operate and maintain the wires, transformers, poles and other equipment it takes to send you power.
3.38 cents per kWh
Energy Charge: covers the costs of producing the electricity and sending it long distance to our distribution system.
7.40 cents per kWh
Example charges
Assuming energy usage of 1,600 kWh, here is an example of electric pricing:
Basic charge | $30.00 |
Delivery charge 1,600 kWh x 3.38 cents |
$54.08 |
Energy charge 1,600 kWh x 7.40 cents |
$118.40 |
2025 Water Prices: Inside the city limits of Eugene
Your water pricing is a combination of a basic charge, which is based on the size of the installed meter, and a consumption charge. The pricing schedule also depends on whether your home is located inside or outside of the city limits of Eugene. If you live in the hills, you may also pay elevation charges which cover the additional cost of pumping water to higher-elevations.
The following prices are effective February 2025.
Basic charge: covers the fixed costs of providing service, which don't change regardless of how much energy or water is used. These costs include equipment like meters, pipes, and trucks, as well as customer service and billing functions. Your basic charge is based on the size of the installed water meter.
Meter size | Monthly charge |
<1 inch | $25.00 |
1 inch | $36.39 |
1-1/2 | $61.37 |
2 inches | $106.04 |
3 inches | $225.30 |
Consumption charge: covers the costs of filtering the water and sending it from the Hayden Bridge Filtration Plant to your home.
Water Usage | Charge |
First 8 kgals | $1.820 per kgal |
Next 22 kgals | $3.250 per kgal |
Over 30 kgals | $5.265 per kgal |
Pumping and delivery charge: covers the cost of pumping water to higher elevations. The level is determined by the elevation of the pumping system that serves the area.
Pumping Level | Usage Charge | Fixed Charge |
Level 1 (800 & 850 feet) | $0.368 per kgal | $4.43 per month |
Level 2 (975 feet) | $0.846 per kgal | $7.69 per month |
Level 3 (1,150 - 1,325 feet) | $1.555 per kgal | $14.14 per month |
Example charges
Assuming a home served by a pumping system at base level (below 800 feet), with a 5/8 inch meter and 9,000 (9 kgal) gallons of water used, here is an example of the water pricing.
Basic charge | $25.00 |
Consumption charge First 8 kgal x $1.820 Next 1 kgal x $3.250 |
$14.56 $3.25 |
Elevation charge | -- |
Watershed recovery fee | $3.00 |
2025 Water Prices: Outside the city limits of Eugene
Your water pricing is a combination of a basic charge, which is based on the size of the installed meter, and a consumption charge. The pricing schedule also depends on whether your home is located inside or outside of the city limits of Eugene. If you live in the hills, you may also pay elevation charges which cover the additional cost of pumping water to higher-elevations.
The following prices are effective February 2025.
Basic charge: covers the fixed costs of providing service, which don't change regardless of how much energy or water is used. These costs include equipment like meters, pipes, and trucks, as well as customer service and billing functions. Your basic charge is based on the size of the installed water meter.
Meter size | Monthly charge |
< 1 inch | $32.50 |
1 inch | $47.30 |
1-1/2 | $79.78 |
2 inches | $137.85 |
3 inches | $292.89 |
Consumption charge: covers the costs of filtering the water and sending it from the Hayden Bridge Filtration Plant to your home.
Water Usage | Charge |
First 8 kgals | $2.366 per kgal |
Next 22 kgals | $4.225 per kgal |
Over 30 kgals | $6.845 per kgal |
Pumping and delivery charge: covers the cost of pumping water to higher elevations. The level is determined by the elevation of the pumping system that serves the area.
Elevation Level | Usage Charge | Fixed Charge |
Level 1 (800 & 850 feet) | $0.368 per kgal | $4.43 per month |
Level 2 (975 feet) | $0.846 per kgal | $7.69 per month |
Level 3 (1,150 - 1,325 feet) | $1.555 per kgal | $14.14 per month |
Example charges
Assuming a home served by a pumping system at base level (below 800 feet), with a 5/8 inch meter and 9,000 (9 kgal) gallons of water used, here is an example of the water pricing.
Basic charge | $32.50 |
Consumption charge First 8 kgal x $2.366 Next 1 kgal x $4.225 |
$18.93 $4.23 |
Elevation charge | -- |
Watershed recovery fee | $3.00 |
City of Eugene Stormwater and Wastewater Fees
Why do storm and wastewater charges appear on my EWEB bill?
Charges related to stormwater and wastewater appear in the water portion of customer bills, but are not EWEB charges. The City of Eugene owns and operates the stormwater and wastewater systems in Eugene. For efficiency, EWEB acts as the City's billing agent per City charter.
Effective February 1, 2025, the City of Eugene increased stormwater fees 5% and expanded the stormwater service fee eligibility to help fund some Parks and Open Space services, in addition to regular stormwater system maintenance and operations.
Stormwater fees help manage runoff, reduce flooding risk, and improve water quality. The funds support services like street sweeping, sediment removal from storm drains, maintaining rain gardens, and preserving parks and open spaces.
McKenzie Watershed Recovery Fee
In 2021, EWEB Commissioners approved a new program that will pay for wildfire restoration projects in the McKenzie watershed through a temporary flat fee assessed to customer water bills.
The community-funded watershed recovery and restoration initiative will supplement EWEB's McKenzie River Source Protection Program to safeguard drinking water for Eugene residents. Working with McKenzie River Trust, McKenzie Watershed Council, and other Pure Water Partners, we are addressing immediate risks such as erosion from high burn areas and redevelopment along the river, as well as longer-term resiliency investments to restore floodplain areas that are critical to water quality and habitat. The Watershed Recovery Fee is effective July 2021 and will be in place for 60 months (5 years), at which time it will automatically sunset.
For most residential and business customers, the fee is a flat $3 per month (based on a 1-inch or smaller water meter). Some customers, such as large businesses and those with extensive irrigation needs, pay more ($4.50 to $30 per month) based on meter size.
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