Be 2 Weeks Ready
A disaster can happen anywhere, at any time. Think about how prepared you'd be if an earthquake happened and your household had to survive two weeks without running water, working toilets and functioning appliances. Or what if a winter storm causes prolonged power outages, do you have the things your home and family needs to be safe and comfortable?
Build an emergency first aid kit for your home and vehicle.
Here are a few supplies to include that will help you during a power outage:
- Emergency blankets and sleeping bags
- Flashlights and extra batteries
- Battery-powered radio
- Battery-powered night lights
- Power banks to recharge phones and electronics
- Alternative cooking appliances that do not require electricity or gas
- Waste and hygiene disposal plan
- Back-up storage plan for refrigerated medications
Emergency sanitation
In an emergency, water and sewer lines may be disrupted, and you may need to improvise emergency sanitation facilities. Be sure to include basic sanitation supplies in your emergency kit, including plastic garbage bags and ties (heavy duty), household chlorine bleach, soap, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper.
More emergency sanitation information.
Pledge to Prepare
Increasing our overall disaster resilience is the responsibility of every community member. The Oregon Office of Emergency Management encourages residents to be prepared to be on their own for a minimum of two weeks.
Pledge to Prepare is a monthly newsletter that includes a 12-month, step-by-step plan to prepare your home and family for an emergency. If you are overwhelmed by the thought of preparing your home and family for a natural disaster, join the Pledge to Prepare and you'll have support every step of the way.
Take the Pledge
Related Programs
Here are some helpful instructions on emergency water storage and treatment for your home.
Here are some ideas for stocking your emergency food supply and planning for power outages.