We are upgrading our electric and water meters throughout the city of Eugene and eventually the McKenzie Valley.
What you can expect
When upgrades are scheduled for your neighborhood:
- You will be notified by mail or email.
- A few days ahead of when we expect to be in your neighborhood, you will receive an autodial reminder call.
- An EWEB or UPA representative with appropriate identification and wearing logo apparel will perform the upgrade at no cost to you.
- Please be sure there is nothing blocking access to the electric or water meter.
- Electric meter upgrades typically take about 10 minutes, while water meter upgrades may take a little longer. Expect a brief interruption in your electric or water service while each respective upgrade is performed.
If you have medical devices, special equipment, or business processes that require a scheduled interruption in service, please contact EWEB Customer Service at 541-685-7000 or eweb.answers@eweb.org.