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This solution would combine signage and artifacts into one exterior interpretive exhibit to be located at the College Hill reservoir property. This could be incorporated in the City of Eugene’s College Hill history walking tour.

Exterior interpretation signage options could include some or all of the following ideas inspired by public and stakeholder feedback:

  • Integrate architectural style references from Reservoir 607 in design motif of interpretive signs.
  • Integrate Indigenous design elements relevant to the resource (i.e., water) in design motif of interpretive signs.
  • Create a self-guided walking path, with interpretive elements including signs and possibly public art. Elements could be mounted at various heights, with some embedded in the path.

Sensory experiences could be used to heighten interpretation of these themes. For example, exhibits could capture the current sensory experience at the reservoirs by referencing the feel of the shade created by the walls, the feel of the moss, and/or sound of the gate clanging.

The below concept sketch shows how both the signs and path could incorporate meaningful elements and symbols, such as small pieces of salvaged concrete from the reservoir and/or symbols of indigenous water use or other meaningful insignia. 

Concept sketch:

Note: This sketch gives a general overview about how the exterior exhibit option could be envisioned. Final decisions about foliage and the location and length of walking paths will be made under a separate landscaping design process.