EWEB is committed to providing transparent access to public comments about the College Hill Reservoir Replacement project. Below are the landscaping-related comments received between August 17, 2023 and December 24, 2025. We will publish additional comments in batches as the project progresses.
Date | Source | Comment |
12/19/24 | Online Comment Form | As one of the few high spots in town, I'm hoping there will still be a place for viewing astronomical events and unobstructed stargazing. The community connection that happens on College Hill is something every town would love to have. Let's hope we will still be able to gather together on a dark night and still see the stars. No glaring street lights up there please! |
12/11/24 | Yes a mural of nature would be great and we look forward to being part of the process. Also will there be walking paths added? | |
12/10/24 | I ask that you take special note of the NW corner of the proposed green/recreational site as a problem area to be thoughtfully addressed. In the past this corner area served as the salon de fiestas; the party room where every tongue loosely swagged, converged far too often, for far too long and always, way too loud. It was a natural promontory overlooking a sea of city lights. It was a lightbulb for moths; a design flaw, a neon sign screaming “gather here!” Design matters. Design dictates the behavior that ensues. I beg of you to consider this and place a heavy value on the right to privacy for frontline residents. We are fully vested in this place, on this block, in this neighborhood. It has been literally decades where kids have been given behavioral carte blanche on the reservoir at the expense of those neighbors within earshot. (Yes, in spite of EWEB’s chronically understaffed “security.”) Again, poor design facilitates and encourages poor behavior. Therefore, I beseech you, design the park in a way that mitigates group noise by encouraging people to congregate elsewhere, deeper within the park. Don’t design a promontory that is a launching pad for noise. It just takes two people talking at night to rupture a night’s sleep. Over the last decade this happened literally five to seven nights, year-round. The priority here should be homeowner privacy, not public access. Please, this time around, do it right. Design with homeowner privacy foremost in mind and public access, as earrings that accent the dress. Thank you for taking this into consideration. I greatly appreciate it. | |
12/7/24 | One of the main concerns I have involves the landscape screening. My understanding was that the project would provide landscape screening to breakup the view of the concrete walls of the tanks. When touring the west and north sides of the west tank I got the impression that there would be little or no screening. The view of that tank currently leaves my backyard with the view of a tall concrete wall. I would like to have you and/or the landscape team evaluate the view of that tank. I believe it warrants additional screening to breakup the view of the long concrete wall. | |
10/31/24 | Hardcopy | A neighbor submitted a hardcopy petition with 96 signatures supporting Oak Savanna as a landscaping strategy for College Hill. Summary: "COLLEGE HILL OAK SAVANNA PROPOSAL. Rachael Carson once said that wonder is a transformative emotion because it instills respect and appreciation for what has inherent value. This is what many of the College Hill neighbors would like to see happen for the coming "green space/recreational area": a place of wonder where curiosity about and connection to the cycles of the natural world can be had; a self-sustaining "wild space" rich in native biodiversity and beauty. We propose a native oak ecosystem, an oak savanna (grassland) - currently the rarest and most endangered ecosystem in Western Oregon - where native white and black oak, Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine and Incense Cedar exist amidst native shrub clumps, bunch grasses and flowers. This could be large islands surrounded by meandering shallows of grass where the public could picnic, stargaze and walk; a minimal maintenance area that would maximize the oak ecosystem. There are some existing examples of low-maintenance, native-dominated areas at the City of Eugene's Rasor Park. We would insist on native plants because native plants are the ecological backbone that supports life all around us - from purifying our drinking water to transforming the sun's energy into food upon which all life forms ultimately feed upon. Native plants have particular local ecological roles that animals in our ecoregion are wholly dependent upon. The stability and ability of an ecosystem to function are inseparably related to the number of native species and keystone species residing within that ecosystem. Plants matter. This is why we suggest EWEB landscape with native biodiversity health foremost in mind. We foresee this area as a space that can reconnect the public to Eugene's pre-European landscape while simultaneously affording students of all ages the rare opportunity to witness and experience an ecological development of a hilltop ecosystem. EWEB has an opportunity here to create a win for EWEB, the city of Eugene and the College Hill neighborhood by creating a public space paved not with concrete but with the song of birds, buzz of bees, zooming bats and enchanting butterflies. Surprise people with beauty and you fill them with hope. And hope is what this world needs most right now." |
10/26/24 | Online Comment Form | Hey there. I've lived in Eugene for over 30 years and my mom used to live right across from the site on Lincoln. The feedback I'd like to share is about the many years of roller skating my friends and I have enjoyed at the site, and I'm hoping you'll consider putting in expansive smooth surfaces for more! The site is where my son learned to ride his bike, his scooter, and I learned a spin move on my skates. |
9/2/24 | Re:college hill reservoir: if possible, please incorporate some native Gary oak Habitat. This is in serious decline and would help biodiversity in our area tremendously. Surely there are enough concrete paths in the world already? We all benefit from exposure to nature. Please help sustain it! | |
8/30/24 | In June when you had the ice cream social last hoorah at the reservoir, many of us wrote our opinions and wrote notes and asked if that side cement piece which is not part of the main cement surface of the reservoir could be rebuilt at some point and used for skating bicycle training stargazing. There were so many people that wrote comments I would like to know what is the result of that? Is EWEB considering rebuilding that surface? That was the rough cement surface? It’s already coming down and I am hoping that rebuilding it for community purpose will be highly considered. |
8/9/24 | Online Comment Form | You could honor history by having information about the Kalapuya people, the precontact landscape of Eugene, and the rivers. Have an area with native plant species. Would love if there was still an area to roller skate and kids to ride bike, stargaze, be able to see the moon rising to the east. Still want to be able to run down the hill on the south edge. |
7/28/24 | Online Comment Form | Thanks for soliciting feedback on the configuration of the reservoir site. Like many other people who live in the surrounding community, I have taken delight in the open space as a place to relax and exercise over the years. If the funding is there, it would be nice if the old function of the site could be improved with an outdoor workout area featuring some calisthenics equipment, like monkey bars, pullup, and dip bars - a low-capital but high-reward investment in the health of the community. |
7/8/24 | Online Comment Form | My husband and I lived near this neighborhood during college. He proposed to me on top of the reservoir. Needless to say it's a special place to us. I think the thing that makes it so special is the amazing view of the stars and city it allows the public to enjoy. A viewing space large enough to accommodate multiple groups for star gazing and celestial events would be great. Someplace up high up to be able to get a good view and flat so that it can accommodate telescopes with seating. Thank you! |
6/10/24 | Online Comment Form | Provide open areas and keep the area unlighted ("dark skies" for star gazing. Also, create areas with NATIVE plants to provide habitat for native species of insects, birds, etc. Finally, provide the public with a draft landscape plan for further public comment so it can be modified, this process being consistent with how Eugene Parks and Open Space designs their own parks. Thank you. |
6/6/24 | Online Comment Form | I hope there will be some way to commemorate the reservoir's history and the building itself. Its art deco detailing makes it valuable and rare in Eugene. If it were possible for there to continue to be an elevated flat surface in the area it would retain some of what makes the reservoir so valuable. From both flat areas you have wonderful views of the west and north/east. I hope trees will be replanted along Lincoln to replace the towering majestic oaks that were removed. Some rhodies too. |
6/4/24 | Online Comment Form | I'm glad to hear that EWEB is considering ideas for constructing a space on College Hill that might replicate public activities that were there before. I can't think of anything better than the casual social gathering, kids' skating, & for me & my late husband, stargazing. Historic value / mitigation lies not just in physical structures but also in the cultural activities that the structure(s) drew, & the central icon of that on College Hill, for me, was stargazing and star parties. Thanks! |
5/30/24 | am a long time resident of College Hill. I live near the Historic Water Reservoir and just have to pop the balloon a bit here as you get ready for a “ Good Bye Celebration” tomorrow afternoon. I find myself asking, how can this be a Celebration? Who’s spinning this into a happy idea to demolish a long standing and unique historic site? One that could perhaps have been re-worked to accommodate upgraded tanks and maintain the 1.5 acre Historic Spot where neighbors have enjoyed years of activity, which has been a feature in their neighborhood for years. Most anything Can Be Done- if willing- I understand that this is a bunch of hot air at this point in the process. But I feel strongly that I needed to share my input. I am completely disappointed in the leadership of EWEB at this point. I understand that hard work and considerations have been addressed. Yes, the “team” has worked hard at being responsive to the local neighborhood and attending to the needs and concerns shared. The least that can be included in the revamping of the “park” is to prioritize the inclusion of a large concrete Pad. One that will be elevated - so people from all parts of the City can utilize the created space in ways that resemble something similar to what has been there for so many years. I understand that people will not be able to go on top of the Tanks and it’s a loss to loose this lovely flat, elevated space that rests on top of a Hill ! You know, I cringed when I read a Team Member's response to the idea of making a large concrete pad: "That it needed further review and consideration of cost !" How can one say this? Cost should not be part of this equation for many, many reasons. The impact of this tear down is to completely change a special spot in Eugene that includes taking away a Historical site. It’s the least EWEB should as “they” work toward being a responsible community run Electric and Water provider. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please make this a community resrouce as much as possilbe = park, etc. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Uses should cover current uses, like space for kids to learn to write their bikes and freedom from light pollution to view stars and astronomical events. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | I hope and can imagine - somehow on this property that there can be a similar area for this community-gathering, with their children - my kids learned how to bike ride, and see stars through telescopes. Hopeful, Magg |
5/30/24 | Comment card | This space has been an incredible gift and way to connect in our neighborhood and greater comunity. There are 3 generations in one family here today who are skating, etc. Also, star parties, Qi Gong, dancing, music, and sunsets. PLEASE include a large fenced flat space for these activities to continue! Thanks! Thanks for the farewell party, too. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | I would love to see rollerskateable wide wide sidewalk around the towers and incorporated into the park next to the towers. Make it skateable - and even have a stage where we can have open mics and also picnic tables. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Low-ropes course! |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Would love to see open space kept on the north side - as well as a place to keep watching the sunsets, stars, etc. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please, please make a large, flat space for roller-skating, skateboarding, and rolling all kinds (kids learning to bike!) a priority in the landscape plan for the new reservoir. It is so precious to have free, traffic-safe, paved spaces. Thank you! -Sara |
5/30/24 | Comment card | I've live here 45 yrs. (2495 Jefferson perviously) Raised 3 sons here and used this fabulous space! Hoping you will listen to all neighbor's input to keep a multi-use park space. Please include a cement flat area (preferablly fenced and possibly raised). Also grassy play areas and welcoming space. Neighbors may want to contribute to cost extras |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Thank you for allowing a farewell party! Please consider re paving the cement area off to the side with community access. Please come to the community for fundraising, ideas, supprt moving forward. You all do great work! |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Maybe repave side cement area For public use or fundraising for it to be done. I know the neighborhood or community would come together. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please return to us a level, concrete, user-friendly space for star parties, kids skating/biking, tai chi, etc. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please give us a place for kids to bike and scoot! |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please provide another paved surface for skaters! Will miss this sooooo much! |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please plant shade trees around, replace small concreet with level uses. Friendly concrete so people can use it: tricycles, parties, okay-footed parties |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Please build another cement elevated area for: 1. viewing stars, 2. skating, 3. watching full moons, 4. etc. Pretty please <3 |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Thank you for offering this space for public use all these years - and for maintaining it so beautifully. As you make space available to the public beyond the footprint of the new tanks, please consider a paved public space - maybe shaped like a track for a long bike, roll, or walk. |
5/30/24 | Comment card | Echoing the community's hope that this historic space will continue to afford a gathering place for the neihborhood of which we have been a part of for 40 years... into posterity. May EWEB continue to be the supportive entity it has proven to be, listen to public and input. Thak you! |
5/29/24 | Online Comment Form | Please put a rectangular surface (meeting regulations) on top of the two tanks so that children and families can continue to enjoy this safe space. It's where our kids learn to ride bikes and skate, etc. You don't know how much we enjoy this space. It lifts our spirits to see neighbors out having fun, enjoying the outdoors and each other. The rest could stay as it is with the addition of new trees to replace the ones you had to cut down. I ask you to please replace this unique space. |
5/24/24 | Online Comment Form | It is my belief that the mound now known as college hill was utilized in some way by the indigenous peoples who long-dwelt in this area previous to settlers. In old photos of Eugene, the hill is tree-less and appears as more of a gentle mound. It's my belief that the space was utilized by indigenous peoples because of it being slightly above the surrounding elevation and offered open views north, west, and east. I propose that eweb set aside a portion of the landscaping to honor Kalapuya culture |
5/19/24 | Online Comment Form | Walking paths at the site should be installed. Information panels of the historic structure and it's use should be displayed on waist high panels along walkway. Information on the new reservoir tanks should also be on display. I would like to see a butterfly garden in the new configuration. Native plants and a demonstration garden would be nice. To replace the old concrete top of the reservoir which was used as open space a significant part of the new space should be a lawn. Thank You. |
5/7/24 | Online Comment Form | Hi there. I am hopeful that there is a way to design the site that allows for many of the continued uses (walking, pet walking, small group gatherings, astronomy and other vista based uses, and perhaps some type of track that circles the storage tanks). I am concerned that there be an appropriate buffering around the parameters of the site. I also think it is an opportunity for intensive native landscaping -- perhaps also increasing our urban canopy/vegetative cover. |
5/7/24 | Online Comment Form | I was walking on the reservoir this morning when a woman stopped me and asked what I wanted to happen to the site. She said that some people have said they wanted housing. I would not want housing on the site as it has been open space and I want it to remain that way. (But..if it was small, affordable homes available to low income families that qualify for help I would be for this). I like the thought of a place to picnic, hear music and hang out in nature. |
5/4/24 | Online Comment Form | Please be creative in envisioning an area that functions as an open space with sufficient height to achieve views. There aren't many places in Eugene that are so publicly accessible in so many ways for getting a sense of vista. Also, some sort of history marker would be interesting along with new trees. Thank you for the excellent public outreach. |
4/27/24 | Online Comment Form | We have lived on college hill for 40 years. When our kids were little, we brought them to the reservoir site to play, run around and to ride their bikes. In recent years, we have brought our grandkids to the reservoir to play and runaround, just as their parents did. My hope is that this space will be redesigned for continued public use, once the tanks and pipes are installed. It has been an integral and iconic part of the community. |
4/24/24 | Online Comment Form | We love the college hill reservoir. Both my kids learned to ride bikes there and it it is one of the few spaces if not the only one anywhere in town where kids can ride so freely and safely away from cars or other modes of traffic. It truly is a destination all on its own that provides such a benefit to many people in this town. I hope that a large part of it at least remains public access, so that it can serve a similar function of being a large safe open flat space to roll around on. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | The recent removal of mature trees is shocking. As soon as possible, please plant more than the number of mature trees that were removed. Drought-resistant native species that make sense for the site. Native shrubs and wildflowers with interpretive signs that teach about regeneration/restoration. Sure, a flat concrete area will be nice too, but only if it is nested into a verdant living landscape. The trees mattered a lot to people's experience there, they just don't always remember to say so. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like to see a flat paved surface, at least partly covered. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | College hill neighborhood and the Reservoir slab is of great importance for the active outdoor community. Please make every effort with new construction to incorporate areas of use for exercise classes, roller activities, star gazing, grass for walking with trees and landscaping. It has been a loved community space to bring neighbors together. It would be a shame to lose this valued shared experience. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like the new tanks to be similar to the previous ones in that there will be a flat top for bicycling, skate boarding and dancing on. It would be nice to also have a gazebo on it too! |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | Please replace the concrete slab so that the community can continue skating, biking, skateboarding, inline-hockey playing, exercising, star gazing, etc.... As simple as it is, that concrete slab provides a location and opportunity for an amazingly diverse number of community building activities. So many kids, including mine, learned how to ride bikes, roller skates, skate boards on that chunk of concrete. Please find a way to replace it. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | The current concrete pad has been a wonderful public space for skating, for kids to learn to ride bikes, and for public dance classes. Please consider a new space that could also support these activities! |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | I hope the city will continue to provide the kind of wonderfully large flat car-free open space that has enabled the kinds of activities I have enjoyed with my family, from watching city fireworks displays to star-watching parties hosted by local astronomists, learning to ride a bike to practicing pirouettes on roller skates. I hope the city will also take into account the attractive vantage point for the potential need to provide emergency radio communication that relies on line of site. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | Our family has treasured the reservoir since our move to Eugene in 2017. We have watched various groups of people utilize the sprawling surface for a variety of ways. I understand that the new space cannot encompass the square footage of the current reservoir, but I know our community would put a similar setup to good use. We would love the new space to be as similar as possible to the current reservoir with the most important features being a flat and expansive area with a fence. Thank you. |
4/18/24 | Online Comment Form | I would really like to see a flat paved area for community use. I appreciate the neighborhood outreach with information and listening to residents. |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | I think it would be great to have a similar flat and paved area, that is covered, so that it can be used throughout all the seasons. |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | I would love to see the former College Hill Reservoir space continue as a community gathering place! It could include a large paved area for skating, dancing and other gatherings. It would be great is a large sized part of this space had some kind of rain/shade covering, while other large area stays open to the sky. Thank you for asking! |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | College Hill reservoir is so unique. Where else can you get a flat surface in the middle of a gentile neighborhood, above many city lights, for community group practice, roller skating, hockey, star gazing, picnicking, frisbee, dog walking, etc. Please preserve this as public space. I would hate to see it be filled in by housing. We will want some good interpretive signs remembering the current reservoir, beautiful new landscaping, park benches, a still-large flat surface, etc. |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | I walk every day along the east and west sides of the reservoir. Please preserve the wide vistas, the trees, the grassy spaces, and some flat open space where folks can bike, rollerskate, and exercise under the full expanse of sky. There is nowhere else in Eugene comparable. |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | The College Hill reservoir has been an important place for so many community-building activities: roller skating, tai chi classes, children learning to ride bikes, birthday parties, star gazing, etc. Now that there's no skate rink in Eugene, this has been a great space for that, especially. Please build an activity space, including a flat concrete area, for these community activities. Also, I hope that the space can be a pretty one for all to enjoy. Thank you! |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | The College Hill neighborhood is currently home to many older adults who appreciate its accessibility and "walkability". It is important to consider the need for seniors and those with disabilities to exercise on a flat, safe, accessible area. |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | Can the new tanks be buried in and covered with a flat all purpose fenced surface like we have there now? It would really be ideal if this location continues to serve the essential services it now serves the community fenced flat surface for skating, classes, family fun etc etc. green spaces for more activities on grass. I find it perfect now and hope you can rebuild to be similarly perfect |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | Please recreate the large open, flat, paved space for the community! It would be awesome to add a covered area as well for the folks who like to do Tai Chi or dance up there. This is a community hub like none other. Please please please - do your very best to make it similar to how it is now! Thank you! |
4/17/24 | Online Comment Form | I like many other commenters have primarily used the space for rollerskating/blading and enjoying the high-elevation views. It is one of the only (if not only) park spaces in Eugene or Springfield with *safe* rollerskating/blading surfaces - that is, minimal cracks, no roots or breaks in the pavement, etc. On any given visit you see locals enjoying the space in so many different ways, building community together. Thank you. |
4/3/24 | Online Comment Form | Why not create a "Mini" flat, paved space that would allow many of the activities that people love(d) to do on the reservoir. Maybe 1/4 acre would probably mitigate most of the "loss" of the huge 2 1/2 acres. Then create a more natural area on the remaining land. Thanks |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | I'm part of the Eugene Astronomical Society, which has been hosting public astronomy events on the College Hill Reservoir since the 1950s. The reservoir is the best site in town for these events due to its wide open space, its elevation above the city lights, and its own lack of lighting. The EAS would love to see a flat, open space for star parties in the landscaping plan, but it would need to be without additional lighting. Open spaces with lights are useless for astronomy. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | Pickleball courts. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | It would be wonderful to preserve the "flat public space" feel of the existing large reservoir with some of the remaining area not needed for the new reservoirs. It could be, for instance, a large square or circle at ground level with benches and landscaping that would allow for yoga, tai chi, roller skating, learning to ride bikes, and other activities that currently take place on the top of the large reservoir. Sidewalks with landscaping could lead to the space, with trees providing shade. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | The current reservoir provides the public with views of the city and Coburg Hills. Please consider some sort of viewing area with the new reservoir. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | My son learned to ride a bike at the reservoir and my daughter learned to roller skate there. During the pandemic, we went there as a family on a daily basis to ride, use sidewalk chalk, and picnic. I think it is very important to preserve a public space suitable for these types of activities in the area. I hope EWEB will do so. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | We'd like to see the site professionally landscaped to make it look as natural as possible. It would be nice if there was a trail loop around the historic site. Benches and information kiosks could educate visitors about the history of the site. An open paved area that could be used for a variety of community activities would also be nice. We'd suggest not lighting the site and closing the site after dark to reduce vandalism and other disruptive activities. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | Living directly across the street with a view of the reservoir I am particularly interested in the landscape. I would like to see plantings along the west side of the installation to hide the fence and diminish our view of the top of the tanks. Perhaps vines to grow over the fencing. And low maintenance plants in the remaining area. People walk dogs constantly by and preserving a quality visual experience for walkers is preferred. I would like a flat area for martial art practitioners. |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | Would be great to maintain a space for wheeled access (to replace the large, flat concrete reservoir top) for biking, roller skating etc and separately a walking path around the tanks and through attractive landscaping |
4/2/24 | Online Comment Form | Retaining green space is critical, as College Hill is used by many for recreating, as well as star-gazing. But, I also think adding in playground equipment that is unique could be an added benefit, or something else unusual that Eugene doesn't have already. I would love to see some creative uses! |
4/1/24 | Please make a surface similar to the current one at the College Hill Res. site--at the new water containers. Not only do kids like to ride their bikes there, but there's the Astronomy Club Watch events, neighbor get-togethers, etc. It's an awesome community resource. Thanks. | |
3/31/24 | Online Comment Form | It would be great if you just create a new large flat top area to provide the types of activities the community has grown to love over the last eight decades. It'll be a smaller area, yes, but still providing the same uses. |
3/24/24 | Online Comment Form | This area is essentially a beloved park for many of us living nearby, and within the adjacent neighborhoods. It is the only place to skate safely in Eugene. I know this is not the primary purpose of this area, however, it is been integral to my happiness here. The way the community comes together and the space is unbelievable, there's nothing quite like it in Eugene or Springfield. Please consider this in the redesign of this area, as an incredible benefit to the community. |
3/18/24 | Online Comment Form | The main aspect that the community wants preserved is the flat surface for recreational use!!!! If you can build another space like that, it would be amazing. Thank you. |
3/17/24 | Hi Laura, I ran into one of the neighbors you were meeting with Friday onsite and he mentioned the idea of solar panels atop the new tanks. “On paper” this sounds intriguing, but I imagine there may be other constraints. Can you clarify EWEB’s thinking here? Apart from the energy produced, solar panels onsite would probably be seen as a forward-thinking goodwill gesture on EWEB’s part. Of course, there could be security issues, depending on the precise placement of the panels. Still, I’d like to see an analysis of the cost and how long it would take to pay it back, then start generating income. | |
3/11/24 | Online Comment Form | Please don't take away the only space we have to safely roller skate and for kids to play or my senior patients to practice walking without worrying about being hit by cars! This space has been so vital for outdoor activities. Why not just leave it as is for us to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and outdoor activities? The only thing I would add is maybe a sheltered area with some seats (picnic area?) And a bathroom. Leave the paved part alone please |
2/29/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir has historically been a place for members of the community to come together. Reconstructing the reservoir in a way that makes it no longer a communal space is heartbreaking for this community. A strong community need spaces like the reservoir to thrive. How can we reconstruct the reservoir so it can still be used communal space as it is now while also being functional and sustainable? I highly encourage we find ways that will meet all these needs rather than only prioritizing one. |
2/29/24 | Online Comment Form | Please please please save a flat space for roller skaters!! The reservoir is the only flat space for roller skating. Eugene has no roller rinks. There are two established rinks and two pop up rinks in the STATE. We have to drive two hours for roller skating in a rink ! All roller skaters who use the reservoir are clean, polite and respectful of other and the space |
2/16/24 | Online Comment Form | I've been here since 2009. This spot is a friendly safe and clean space for all of Eugene to enjoy. Mostly kids. My kid is 6 and only gets two PE days of school a week. We as society need this to be better balanced adults. |
2/13/24 | Online Comment Form | We have been actively using this space as an outdoor recreation area and community meetup spot. The reservoir is essentially the only place in town where a group can outdoor skate together. I think it would be the best replication of services if a concrete skating rink were made in its place. That would also encourage kids to play hockey on blades in the rinks. Boulder Colorado has some great outdoor rinks that I think would be amazing to replicate. Thank you! |
2/11/24 | Hi. I’m curious if much thought has been given to the “front line” neighbors who are now adjacent to the smaller reservoir and who will also be to the proposed green space/recreational area? Over the years the NW corner of the aforementioned reservoir has been a magnet for late night and early morning social gatherings-the predictable loud mouths, altered minds, music and the perennial dance of boy meets girl. It’s a problem and has been for years. Will the new design perpetuate the same? Or will there be a serious effort to mitigate this by a substantial barrier that will ensure the privacy of surrounding homeowners? Thank you. | |
2/7/24 | Online Comment Form | I have used the reservoir almost every day for the last six years. I love the view that I get standing on the reservoir and I think that the most special thing to me that could be preserved is the ability to get to a high point within the park. I'm not sure exactly what that might look like, maybe some kind of a viewing tower or something along those lines, but just any kind of a structure that rises to the height of the existing reservoir would preserve what makes the reservoir special to me. |
2/7/24 | Online Comment Form | I enjoy rollerskating and watching the sunset or moonrise from college hill reservoir. Every time I go there is a mixture of people walking, other skaters, kids learning to ride bikes, and doing other activities. It is truly a community center and having such a large open area allows many community members to coexist while doing their preferred activity. It would not be possible to bike or skate if the open area was severely reduced. Thank you. |
2/5/24 | Online Comment Form | I love to spend nice days rollerskating on the reservoir. Me and my friends have spent numerous hours up there and have observed so many people having a wonderful time. please keep the space like it is available to the public. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, |
2/5/24 | Online Comment Form | Respect the unique qualities the space as is-the big, flat concrete space is the closest thing to the larger open-sky space we have that is fenced in. I think this space would be great to keep flat, not a dedicated playing field but that rare thing, a multi-use open space with access to views and sky--Tai Chi, walking meditation, Neowise comet or eclipse gazing. I hope this space remains an open space and not overly landscaped so that neighbors and residents of Eugene can use it as a flex-space. |
2/3/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep the reservoir open for public use! It's a safe place to everyone in the community to roller blade, hoop, have parties, do tai chi, etc. It would be a big loss if went away. |
2/2/24 | Online Comment Form | Hey, I just wanted to reach out as there's already not to many places to skate in town. Additionally, the reservoir serves as a great sunset/date night for so many. It's rare that you get the whole thing to yourself it's such a popular destination. Thanks for the consideration, |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | Please don't get rid of it! |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like as much of the reservoir to be kept available for recreation as possible. It's been a safe, fun place for people to have some good fun and exercise. My friends hang out there, I've heard so many sweet stories of people learning to skate there. |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | Please create a physically elevated, paved, fenced space which provides a panoramic view of the city, ideal for roller sports and stargazing. |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | This area would be perfect as a recreational area, especially as a roller-skating pad. Eugene no longer has an accessible, flat designated spot for this activity but this space could be honored through continual usage of the community. |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | It's such an important space for so many different people recreationally. Its where I learned to roller skate and how I first found community in Eugene when I moved here. I have watched man parents teach their children to ride bikes there. It is a really important space. |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep this space available for recreation. My two kids and I and friends visited it often to skate and rollerblade! Only place in town we can do this now. |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | This space being open to the public for recreational use is everything! We have utilized this space for many years and would be crushed if no longer had it! And if you guys would put in a bathroom it would be even better! Thank you for providing eugene with an activity space! |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | If the reservoir is replaced, please replace it with an area good for roller skating! |
2/1/24 | Online Comment Form | PLEASE KEEP A FLAT TOP this space is used by creatives and athletes of Eugene. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please leave it open for many community uses!!! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Do not replace the reservoir!!! It's such a wonderful place to visit and remember going all the time as a kid, great place to practice roller skating, have lunch, etc. it's such a unique spot that we have in town and it would be a shame if we lost it. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I enjoy this space for the openness, the green space, the intrigue from the reservoirs themselves and the creative use their cement toppers provide residents. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I am beyond broken-hearted that I will no longer have a place to roller skate once the reservoir is dismantled. I am a mental health professional, and amidst serious burnout during the pandemic, I restored my sanity and rediscovered joy by skating there at sunset 2-3x/wk. Seeing families teaching their kids how to ride bikes, fellow skaters, dancers, and stargazers adds to my joy and promotes community. Valuing this in a reimagined way would be so wonderful, as there is no other space like it. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like it to stay in usage for the public! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The giant open flattop is a great safe community space for all sorts of recreation, and I sure hope that function can be preserved in the renovation plans. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep the flat top area! We need a nice community place to skate and gather for family events |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I love the College Hill Reservoir for public use! I see kids learning to ride their bikes and skaters of all kinds practicing and riding together every time I'm up there. The parks and other areas do not provide flat and large enough areas for these activities, which have brought so much positivity to me and the community. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Its a lovely community space, and various groups of people take advantage of the flat ground. Great space for families and people of all ages! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS AWAY literally obsessed with skating there and it will make me so cranky if y'all do |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Just as others have expressed, the public would love in some way to preserve the flat area the previous reservoir has given us. I understand why the current tanks must be removed and I think it is very much necessary for them to be removed, but I would love if there is some way we can build another resurfaced area for the public to enjoy. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The city has no proper roller rink, or space for roller sports. The lower slab should be resurfaced and repurposed as a roller hockey Court! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I think it is extremely important to preserve a flat ground recreational space here. The beauty of coming to the top of the hill and witnessing families rolling around together, roller skaters and bladers doing laps and laughing (on the only space between Eugene and Springfield you can functionally do so), folks taking a tai chi class‚* It's breathtaking and heartwarming‚* There's no where else in our community like it! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Love the idea of a remodel but please please allow the space to remain in use by the public! It's an amazing space and keeps people active physically and mentally! The roller skating Community depends on this space almost entirely for keeping up with this hobby. It appeals to people of all ages, families with young kids too! The community also participates in observing special astronomical phenomena. Families and friends flood the space with telescopes and mingle while learning new things! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like to express my interest in retaining a space for skating at College Hill. It's important to me that there is an outdoor space available to meet with other skaters. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The College Hill Reservoir is incredibly important to the community for outdoor recreation! It is a large and important space to meet friends and family to do activities such as running, walking, roller skating, chalk drawing, sunset watching, etc. The list goes on! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I love this reservoir. it allows for so much fun, including skating and hanging out with buddies! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir has been a beloved neighborhood and a personal favorite spot for rollerskating, tai chi, meditation, yoga, and sunrise and sunset views. I sincerely hope the new plan for the space honors the specialness of the spot as a community gathering place. It would be great to still have a large open concrete surface, as there is nowhere else I know of with a smooth surface like this, which is perfect for beginning skaters to practice on. Large,open public spaces are a rarity and a treasure |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | College hill is where I first started learning to roller skate and it is a social gathering space for a community that you can find anywhere else in Eugene! It's one of a kind and so scpecial! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please save us an activity space for skating!!! We have nowhere else to go!! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is the BEST and safest place for kids to learn to ride a bike or skate! We just need this large surface of smooth concrete without cars for so many people who skate for fun and exercise. The streets of Eugene are too bumpy. I really hope you will leave as much flat, smooth space as you possibly can for all the people to do whatever they enjoy on their wheels. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | It would be amazing to put some sort of skate spot up here. This place has been a mecca for outdoor socializing. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would love if College Hill Reservoir could keep a large flat recreational surface for the community to play on. There are so many community groups that use the space daily and it is an important staple of our Eugene community. It is important to me to have a free outdoor public space to skate and play on. Please keep at least a portion of the space open for public use if this project must moves forward. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please make this a public-access natural space, like a park :) |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | This place became such an important to me and my mental health during the pandemic, I watched as a community grew before my eyes. Multi generational activities spawned and flourished in ways even planned public spaces don't provide. I have spoken with so many people all over Eugene about this place being so important to their personal and social health. Please save the reservoir for public use and in so save the magic and mental health of our community at large. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Why do we have to honor everything |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | great place to roller skate i would hate to not be able to |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The Reservoir is a potent space for our community. It's a safe space for people to skate, have birthday parties, community meet ups and a place of connection. On behalf of our community we ask that you please install another flat top after and updates. Thank you. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I roller skate there regularly and also walk to the site to enjoy safe off-street open space. Will be taking my kids (5 & 7) to bike there when the weather is better. I have also enjoyed the presence of other groups there ranging from theater to fitness, and usually make new friends there each time I visit. It is a valuable community space! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is a very special place to me and my whole house. Through the pandemic we spent many evenings running our dogs and watching the sunset. We regularly walk up to the reservoir to gather with friends and take in the views of Eugene. The reservoir is a community gathering space and it should be protected as such. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Hello, I have been living in college hill for the last three years, and I'm just two blocks from the reservoir itself. Myself and the community here have benefited physically and mentally from the recreational aspect the public gathering area gives us. I have attended Tai chi here, roller skate nights, fire spinning, dance parties, I take the kids in the neighborhood I nanny here, and my dog! I can't imagine the hill not having this commmunity space anymore. Please save the reservoir! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | This space has been loved and utilized my entire life for things like roller skating and teaching kids to ride bikes. It would be ideal if we were able to create a space with smooth concrete where these things were still possible. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The area has been used for public recreation/sport for a long time & I would love to see it developed further into that type of recreational space. Especially since we have no roller facilities & that spot has recently been popular for skating. I think it would be great to add more sports parks like basketball, etc. Space permitting |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | This is a very important space to Eugene. On any given day you will find someone at the reservoir doing some form of exercise, self care, fun, etc. this is really the only flat spot in town suitable for skating of all kinds. Children safely learn to ride bikes here. There has to be a way EWEB can install new technology, which we all understand is necessary, but also honor what this space has come to mean for the city for decades. Please consider this. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Bike polo, roller hockey, hard court soccer, the list goes on! All these sport but no shared space for all of us to stretch our legs! There is absolutely no space to call our own. We need a home! All of us! That reservoir is the perfect spot to host all those sports lacking a home! Please hopefully this is read! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep the concrete slab! There ain't a ton of places for "open" use skateboarding, roller blading, and bicycle tricks. It's a great spot to practice without bothering anyone. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I have roller skated here every summer for the past 3 years. it's such a peaceful place where everyone is kind and supportive. would love to continue using it! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Space for rolling sports, like bike polo and roller skating |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please preserve as much as you can. It is such a loved space in our community. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please preserve the space for skaters and small bicyclists as part of the new development. There are not any other large flat surfaces that are safe for your children in the area except the reservoir. Please preserve! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like to make it very clear that I am in support of keeping the college hill reservoir a public space for various activities and recreational projects for the community to share and enjoy which can include but is not limited to rollerskating, flow arts gatherings, sunset watching, and general community gathering events. Thank you for considering my input! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like the reservoir to be preserved as a recreation roller space for skating. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | We cherish the College Hill Reservoir as a community gathering space in our neighborhood. Since we bought our home 8 years ago, we have frequented this space for "wheels" meet ups with other families (bikes, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, etc.) along with chalk drawing and impromptu dance parties. We use the space all year long, and would love to continue to do so for the physical and mental well-being of our family and community. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | It is going to be a huge loss for our community if we lose this space. This space is such a gem where my kids have been able to ride on wheels and run around in a flat, enclosed space where everyone is respectful. Please preserve it! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep a portion of the College Hill site available for use as a flat surfaced public area for kids learning to ride their bikes, skateboarders, and roller skaters. There isn't a spot quite like this anywhere else in town where we have space to wheel around. I don't feel safe anywhere available. It's also a spot with a gorgeous view, and should be partially accessible to the public. I'm glad we're getting earthquake proof storage units but I will mourn the unique space it served as. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I've only recently discovered this space and am absolutely gutted to learn that it will soon be leaving. While I understand the why, I'd love to see a part of it stay if possible, or an adjacent space maintained where the surface is of a similar quality for skating and recreation. While I've used the reservoir to recently rediscover my love of skating, it was a similar space where my parents taught me to ride a bike some 35+ years ago and I'd love to see communities embrace these spots. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Recreation space must stay! The reservoir is a important space for the community |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Keeping the rec space is vital for our community. My kids ride bikes, draw with chalk, meet friends, and love this safe space. Eugene is seriously lacking family friendly activities and spaces. It would be so sad to see this space destroyed. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | KEEP THE SIDE OF THE RES THAT ISNT GOING TO BE USED!!! OR CREATE ANOTHER REC SPACE FOR PEOPLE!! There are so many empty building and spaces that could be used for skating in particular, but nobody wants to invest in it. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | It would be so nice to have an area for roller skating. The skating community is such a wonderful group of folks and the impact they're making is phenomenal. Rollerskating creates wonderful memories for families, gives kids an alternative to screen time and brings people from all different walks of life together to have plain old fun. Thank you. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I have many fond memories roller skating at the reservoir, if there is anyway part of the space can still be used for recreation that would be fantastic! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | PLEASE save a portion of the flat top for public recreation, there is no place to go in Eugene to roller skate. Where will we go. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I enjoy skating and going up to the reservoir. It has become a great area for us skaters to safely practice, hangout and enjoy a fantastic view of the city. It would be a shame if the city were to destroy another sanctuary space for the community. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like to suggest that as the College Hill Reservoir Replacement Project takes place that efforts would be made to ensure NATIVE PLANT SPECIES are introduced into the new landscape. I would like to suggest the plants resemble that of a SAVANNA OAK PRAIRIE. This would reintroduce one of the most endangered and also one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in America. The Willamette Valley was comprised mostly of this before settlers arrived, and this is Kalapuya land, we should honor that. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please include a large flat and smooth area for roller skating. With the rink closed, it's one of the only areas to skate and build community with other roller skaters. The current reservoir is such a unique place and brings me so much joy. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is such an important recreation space for so many people! It is the only place that is contained and feels safe for rollerskating in town. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep the college Hill Reservoir for skaters, and little children who ride their bikes. It's a safe place and everyone loves it. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Pleas keep a portion open to the public for recreation! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Many Eugenians appreciate this secluded, flat space. It is especially suited for teaching children how to bike, roller-skating, and one-wheeling. It has an ideal location for stargazing and picnics. I hope these features can be maintained and be open to the public as they make Eugene a better place to live. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Myself and many family, members and friends use this area for rollerskating, birthday parties, and family gatherings. It would be a true devastation to lose the space. It is very loved by many people. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Love having a big open space to play on wheels with my kiddo and friends. Have had some very fun birthday parties for kids up there. If this project moves forward, perhaps EWEB could subsidize a roller rink??? |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | College Hill Reservoir has been a wonderful place for me and my friends to get exercise while we roller skate and socialize. I have made many friends there as well. It's kind of perfect how much it is like an outdoor skating rink. The only improvement I can think of would be smoother concrete. Please don't change the reservoir into a place that isn't roller skate friendly. It's one of the reasons I enjoy living in Eugene. Thank you! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep the reservoir open for recreation. We don't have skateworld or family friendly skate areas like this one and it would be devastating to lose access to this space. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The college hill reservoir is a beautiful community space. I love that I can go walk around there, roller skate, watch the stars, marvel at sunrise and sunset, and see people dance and play. I hope that any change to the space will have areas where the community can get together and do these same things. It would be a sad loss to the neighborhood if this space is turned into solely water tanks that don't allow the community to enter. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Keep it open to the public |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like it to stay! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is the only outdoor area for skating as well as skateboarding, biking, yoga, and other activities for families and the community. Leaving at least some space for public recreation is extremely important and I hope EWEB takes this into consideration. Thank you. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I'd love to see this area turned into a public covered skate park with lighting. Washington and Jefferson park gets a lot of use and when it is crowded it is good to have another spot for people to enjoy themselves outdoors. Let's establish Eugene as destination for skating! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I've really loved using the existing space for picnics, as well as skating. For the replacement project, I'd love to see some open space, including flat paved space like the existing site. The flat paved space is great for sitting without worrying about wet grass (a concern for much of the year in Eugene!), and is a wonderful place to watch the sunset and see the views over the city. Additionally, some open paved space would be great for physical activities such as yoga and skating. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | This is a VITAL public space used for all kinds of activities for free! Many people use this space for activities like roller blading/skating, picnics, bring out telescopes to observe astronomical phenomena, gaze over the city lights, etc! Empty the Reservoir if you must, then add support where needed to make it earthquake safe and let us have access to the top as it is now! Or, if you need to remove it all, then build us back a similar space with the SAME ELEVATION! please and thank you :) |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | My friends and I have roller skated on "the flat top" for years now, we used to play roller derby together for ECRG and now use this space as a place to chill, roll, play music, hang out and be in the sunshine and fresh air without traffic or bicyclists. There is no roller rink here, and we love our skates, we love our community. We are clean, non smoking, never drink or use hard drugs, we are respectful to the space and to others using it. Please keep our Flat Top accessible. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | This spot is very important to our community. People come together with their telescopes to star gaze and it's very important to our skating community, especially now that we no longer have a skating rink open and available in the area. Please do whatever is possible to avoid tearing down this structure. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | All I ask is that you leave a large flat space for people to skate, learn to ride bikes, hang out in the summer, etc. It's such an important social spot and we have so few. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | I love to go skate there and it's so nice to see so many people out enjoying the site and we would that to see this continue |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Save space for roller sports! |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep this as a public venue. My friends and I have used the space for picnics, stargazing, dance parties, and oth r events. It's a beautiful spot and should remain open to the public. Thank you for taking community commentary and suggestions on this. |
1/31/24 | Online Comment Form | It's hard to conceive of an easier win-win than leaving the reservoir open to public use. It would take no effort, raises minimal risks, and allows a space for certain activities (namely roller skating/blading) that can't happen elsewhere in Eugene. With minimal investment, there could also be basketball courts or handball setup, but that requires some infrastructure to be added which I'm not sure is compatible with the reservoir. Leaving it be and allowing others to use it is a no brainer |
1/30/24 | Hi there! Thank you for this opportunity to comment! I made a comment on your College Hill project site, but found the 500 character limit kind of constraining for the point I was trying to make. I will make this as brief as possible here!:) I propose that the landscaping represent the ecosystem that the Kalapuya lived in before the Americans arrived. For College Hill this would be our most endangered ecosystem, the Oak Savanna. I highly recommend using 100% natives that are representative of this system. This would be a bold, positive example to our city and region of the use of native plants to improve the ecological equation! There multitudes of benefits associated with this proposal that I will not inundate you with in this space…. I would love to be involved if possible and appropriate! Thank you!!! | |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is such a wonderful community space to which I'm so grateful to have had access. This summer I was there multiple days a week working in my roller skates. I'd bring different people to try out skates and share with them this space that felt like a hidden wonder! I'm really hoping the City of Eugene finds some way to preserve or create free recreational space accessible to the community. It'd be a real tragedy to lose this wonderful resource that has served so many. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | There are no good flat And smooth places to roller skate in town except the reservoir. It would be really cool if the future plan included areas for such recreation. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I would love to see some flat paved areas in the new park that people could rollerskate, scooter, skateboard on. The reservoir is such a great big open space for kids and adults to roll around on! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I would love to see a replacement that allowed for many of the activities that the community has been using the space for already. A space for folks to walk, kids to ride bikes safely, roller skating, or martial arts. I have seen this space used for all of these things and many more. We need more spaces for the community to come together and recreate safely (away from cars), not less. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is a unique and important space for outdoor recreation. The smooth, even surface is great for roller skating and other wheeled sports. Please install a smooth paved surface over a large area adjacent to the new water tanks. Perhaps you could even improve upon the previous space by adding roof to a portion, so that it can be used in the rainy months. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir offers a safe place for people of all ages to gather on wheels and celebrate the ability to gather and enjoy movement. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The CHR has functioned as a flat top community park for years. I have seen it flocked with families on sunny days with kids learning to ride bikes or skateboards. Elderly people getting their steps in. Tai chi groups meeting. Countless individuals looking for a safe community space for activities requiring wide open solid flat surfaces. Spaces of which are very hard to find in this community. To get rid of CHR would mean depriving this community of one of the few free gathering spaces left. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | A nice paved, covered space for recreational activities. Such as roller skating, scootering, skateboarding etc. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Grew up playing in that area. It makes such a great open flat and safe place for any type of recreation. Especially in this part of town!! Would be great to see if preserved. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I would like for the College Hill Reservoir to be preserved for recreation! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The college hill reservoir has been an important recreational space for me with community building and exercise. This space deserves to be saved so people can continue to gather in a safe area. I've enjoyed roller skating and yoga on top of the reservoir and I've seen people enjoy diverse activities like teaching their kids to ride bikes, practicing tai chi or spinning fire. There are few places where people can safely make friends and work on such different skills and this is one of them. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is one of the few public use places that is suitable for skating and I hope that is able to continue with the planned replacement project. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I think there should be a place to skate and ride bikes on the water tower like there is now. Let's keep it as close to what it is now as possible |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | It'd be great if there was a big open place just like before for people doing wheeled sports (like rollerblading, rollerskating, and skateboarding). |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | It is such an important spot for rollerskaters and other recreational activities. It would be nice if part of it could be designated for that. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | There are very few places left in Eugene that are not littered with refuse, needles, and abandoned camps. Very few places we can sit and let our kids roll wild and safe, within eyesight at all times. Very few places that roller bladers, quad skaters or skateboards are allowed AND welcomed. It is a shame that we will remove all these places in one swipe with the replacement of the College Hills reservoir. Preserving these places for public use should be paramount in the redesign. Thank you. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I'm admittedly not entirely sure what the projected plan might be, but the current set up is such a valuable asset to our community! I see happy faces out there of all ages utilizing the space for a variety of interests, or healthy activities. My hope and many I know, hope it can continue to be a valuable, assessable area for community to recreationally gather whether for walking/jogging the loop, teaching kids to ride or skate safely from traffic. It is a rare safe zone for people to access. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The EWEB reservoir has been such an asset to the wheeling community. Because of how smooth the ground is and the enclosed space, it has been such a special place to take my son to learn to ride his bike while I rollerskate or cruise around on a skateboard. Going there has allowed me to be a little autonomous while also being a parent because it feels safe to let might kid ride knowing he can't fall off or get too far. Please, please, please try to incorporate this in the new design. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I think we should keep it as it is a space for community and has brought me much joy |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I use this space with my kid to ride around, roller skate, skateboard, and just lay in the sun. Love having a huge open space to have fun in |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | It's a really great public space for young people, families, anyone to gather to skate or do yoga or whatever. I really love being able to go there and meet up and roller skate. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I think the reservoir is great as it is and a good place for so many to practice skating and other fun things safely and not in the streets |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is an important and historic community meeting space. It is paramount that at least a portion of the reservoir is saved for outdoor recreation and community events. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I've been roller skating and leading community events there for years. I've seen people of all ages and walks of life celebrate, commune, exercise and merrymake. I've never seen a fight or even a disagreement. The most litter I've seen is two cigarette butts. This place is a safe haven and a truly magical gathering spot. Losing it would be a great loss to generations. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please retain some or part of the original reservoir concrete slab for skaters and other community events! It is the only place in the city roller skaters have to go outside of the skate park (and many of us aren't park skaters) |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | We have used the reservoir as a free, accessible recreational site for over a decade. It would be a significant loss to families of all economic strata in our area to lose access to this public space. We hope that the reservoir remains an open spot for kids and families to gather for many years to come. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | My favorite thing about the College Hill Reservoir is roller skating on it. Being able to be up there feeling the wind in my hair and looking out over our beautiful city is one of my favorite recreational activities and I would be forever changed for the worst if I never got to do it again. Please keep a portion of the reservoir skatable. Thank you for your consideration |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please do not tear down the reservoir! I love going there to skate in the nice weather and it is a beautiful family friendly spot. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I have roller skated on the reservoir and love the flat, accessible space for us in south Eugene. I hope the new space will include a skating area as it promotes healthy activities for all ages in our community. Sincerely, |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | If you can save even a small portion of it for rec. use, it would provide a great benefit to our community!! Thank you for providing a place for people to gather and for memories to be made. It will be very missed!! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | This space is a sanctuary. Please for the love of the community, do not destroy the EWEB resevoir. Astronomers, skaters, walkers, sightseers, first timers, old timers, and everyone in between, ADORES this magical place. If there is any possible way to save it, please find it in your hearts to do so. I know the community would even create a fundraiser if it comes down to it. Thank you for your consideration. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The college hill reservoir has been a space to come and practice many activities and art forms for years to this community, and in many cases a place people have grown up having fun at. This includes skateboarding, roller skating, one wheel riding, large chalk art pieces, summertime films with friends and more. Not only that but this is a space many people come to so they can relax and de-stress from the world around, this is a place many people find comfort in being at. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please keep the college hill reservoir as a public recreation space! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | the reservoir is a cherished place!!! please save some of it, so many folks rely on it as a communal place and it's wonderful for roller skating! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I believe keeping a part of the reservoir for the skating community in our town is a great thing because it's brought so many together and it would help bust the community in as a whole. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | My wish is for a basketball court sized (or larger) Covered concrete pad, suitable for all kinds of recreation that currently inhabits the reservoir. to have a dry space to roll around on at all times of the year would be ideal. this would accommodate many groups including roller skaters, bike polo, roller hockey, martial arts groups, etc. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please don't remove the current college hill reservoir. This is such a wonderful place for skating and I really think it is a great place for safety. Small kids can play and learn to ride bikes without threat of being run over because visibility is high. I've seen people who do different body modalities ther there such as yoga and Thai chi. Please reserve the current state of the reservoir because it is loved by many from all over Oregon. Its one of the few places like it and it would be missed! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I would love to see this space used for public recreation. A park or place to roller skate would be amazing. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Hello! During the pandemic, I bought a pair of skates and was looking for places to skate where I would not get yelled at by security guards or injure myself as a beginner. I found out about the Reservoir. My first experience skating there was pure joy! I loved being outside and where all the trees are! My feedback is there is a huge community in Eugene who will be distraught if no area for skaters is incorporated. It would be amazing to have a space for our community incorporated |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I'd love to see the reservoir stay as a place for public recreation. It would be great if it was developed into an official park with restrooms and picnic tables, but it is great how it is as well. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I'm so sad about it. My children learned how to ride their bikes, and roller skate there. It's such a wonderful safe place for families. We had my daughter's 5th birthday there. We will really miss it. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | As a skater, I appreciate having a safe public space to be allowed to skate. The community of skaters in this area are some of the most inclusive and respectful people who really want to find a space that brings more people together and create a fun safe environment. I would really like to see the reservoir project keep the skating community in mind and provide a space that allows us to continuing using the space for enjoyment and fostering a safe place. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is of great importance and value to our college Hill neighborhood. My children learned how to ride bikes here and I renewed my love of rollerskating over the last few summers. It's one of the only places where beginners can go and be protected from vehicles and enjoy wheeled activities! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Preserve recreational space. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | My family and I have loved using the reservoir as a safe car free space to teach our daughter how to ride her bike. We see many families also enjoying the space. We hope that part of it will be maintained for public use. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please make it a rollerskating-friendly, publicly accessible space. I currently roller skate up there at least once every week if it isn't raining. This space brings so many people together of all ages and interests. I've seen yoga groups, dancers, tai chi practitioners, skaters, boxers, young athletes, and children learning to ride bicycles. For many of us, it's the only safe, car-traffic free, well paved, flat, free, ideal space in the area. You mean so much. Your community needs you! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please leave some space for skating, this is such a wonderful iconic spot for the skate community. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir is the only free, safe place in the area for people of all ages to learn to skate, ride bikes, & exercise. Everywhere else nearby is downhill, crowded, in the streets, or costs money. Let kids play outside again. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | To keep it an open space for multi use. My family and I roller skate there to enjoy the perspective of our city and the spirit of our community. It could be half covered so we could enjoy in the winter. We and our kids need more outdoor alternatives in the winter to combat the addictive disconnect that screens have become. Eugene currently has no public roller rink for individuals who feel most comfortable expressing and activating this way. Eug Roller Village has demonstrated what is possible. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | It would be amazing if there could be a large space available to be used for wheeled activities - roller skating/blading, riding bikes, etc. Our community is desperately in need of a space where families and individuals can safely enjoy these activities. The closure of the reservoir leaves a huge hole. Generations of families have used the reservoir and would love to have a similar space to enjoy. Thank you for taking community feedback into consideration! We appreciate it. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please make sure that there is still a space open to the public for recreation! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I hope the area will still be friendly to roller skaters! This is such an important community space for them. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please maintain some space for public recreation use! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I would love to see this space available for public use! The reservoir is such a special, safe space for the community to gather it would be a shame for us to lose this space. Please keep it accessible!!!! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I'd like there to still be public recreation space at the college hill reservoir. Preferably flat and smooth pavement for roller skating. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | A covered skate space or community center please!!!! Or community garden with a paved path!!! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please preserve as much of the reservoir as possible! I love this part of the community. It is a treasure that brings people together. The reservoir has been a staple in my life since I was a young teen and then in my late 20's it fostered a love of skateboarding that serves as both a joyous activity and a moving meditation. This is a space in the community that feels safe for all who want to visit. It's welcoming and I'd be devastated to see it go, as I know many other community members are too |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | The college hill reservoir has been one of my favorite recreation spaces in Eugene over the last few years. It's where I learned to rollerblade as an adult! It's tough to imagine no longer having this space as a recreational outlet and I'm sure many other Eugene residents of all ages feel the same. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Please make it a place to skate!! For all the peoples to skate! Thanks! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I have used the Resevoir to learn how to roller skate and practice as there are not many safe flat not crowded places in town to do so. To take that Resevoir away would be an injustice to recreation in Eugene. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | keep space for public use please!!! so many community members use the space for gatherings, physical activity, and other sorts of recreation! it is the best place for a wide flat surface |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | I love skating at the reservoir and it already exists as an amazing community space |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Would love to see more oaks and native plants be used to landscape this area. |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | My feedback involves the landscape and I encourage you to go big and bold with landscaping that is a positive ecological statement to the city and the region. Knowing that native ecosystems are in decline and our native Oak Savanna ecosystem is perhaps the most critically endangered one, I propose that the grounds be as close to a representation of a savanna ecology as can be rendered. I have much more to comment on the proposal, but it looks like I'm very limited in length here! |
1/30/24 | Online Comment Form | Collage hill reservoir is so much more than a water tank for the community. I have seen many different types of activities up there from roller skating, tai chi classes , little kid's learning to ride bikes, birthday parties, hockey games, star gazing, and so much more. We need a flat open air space for these activities since you are taking away such a great activity space for the community.Please build us an activity space for these community activities.There is no other concrete space like It. |
1/26/24 | Hi! Thanks for all of your hard work on this project. At the NW corner of the site, on Lawrence St, there is a concrete wall that is ugly and attracts graffiti, etc. I assume this is needed as a retaining wall to support the old (smaller) reservoir. If it’s possible to avoid having a retaining wall there in the future, that would be great! (improve aesthetics, reduce nuisance activity, reduce costs of painting over graffiti) | |
1/25/24 | Comment Card | Track a few ft wide along the perimeter of the tanks. |
1/22/24 | Comment Card | Please make the subject line of emails specific/easily understood, especially when a particular email pertains to an aesthetic decision for the community's use of the area. An example, this has always been an important VIEW of the sunrise and sunset; important for disabled (+ abled) folks to SEE ABOVE THE TREES. Thank you so much. P.S. To save on/mitigate the cost of re-pouring concrete over the smaller rectangular cover, could that internal space volume instead be infilled with dirt? Would be disappointed to see it not be available for roller skating and tai chi just because of the expense of new concrete. Reuse/Recycle!! Thanks. P.P.S. Also, looking forward to talking w/ (upcoming) contractor re: demolished/removed fencing. How cool to have neighborhood historic fencing for my currently unfenced backyard. Yay! (Cool idea came from Cale.) |
1/22/24 | Comment Card | For the area that can be designed for public space, it would be fabulaous if we could have a flate platform as big as the existing 603 reservoir for foller skating, bike riding, tai chi, exercise groups, etc. It could be raised with railing like a smaller version of the 607 or flat like a large basketball court. It creates a nice flat visible space for public use of all ages. |
1/22/24 | Comment Card | I've been going to the water tower since I was a kid. I would raelly like to see another flat surface for kids and adults to learn how to bike, rollerblade, do tai chi, yoga classes and astronomy club. It is such a nice, peaceful place to meet up. I owuld like that to be preserved in the new design. Thank you! |
1/19/24 | Online Comment Form | I plan on commenting about the entire public space but I wanted to provide an important request as an adjoining property owner. I want to ensure that a landscaping buffer remains/is established along the fence line between our properties. Currently, there is an arborvitaes hedge that provides screening and protects the integrity of our fence. It could be replaced with a higher functioning arborvitae or another recommended hedge. I would appreciate discussing this with the team. Thanks! |
1/11/24 | Online Comment Form | Hi! I'm an amateur entomologist and a fan of public spaces. I propose planting a small section of the reservoir area as an insect garden, with flowers, shrubs and even trees that attract pollinators and other insects. I'm also interested in helping install informative signage, and finding a way to keep a count of the diversity of insects spotted at the site. I live across the street from the reservoir and would be happy to be a part of the planning and maintenance of an insect garden. |
1/10/24 | Online Comment Form | I just want to remind you again that the College Hill Reservoir is used by the whole customer base of EWEB. Because of its centralized location and unique features, it is not just a neighborhood spot. People came from all over Oregon and even other states for the eclipse. You folks continue to message as if landscaping and amenities only effect locals. That may be true at East 40th, but not at College Hill. |
1/10/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir has been an outdoor community gathering place for our family for years. We appreciate that it is an open space that is hospitable to people of all ages within walking distance. On behalf of my family, I'd request that the reservoir can continue to be a site suitable for SKATING. There is no skating rink in Eugene, and this is the one place we can skate without traffic. It's safe and fun and builds community. Thanks! |
1/10/24 | Hello EWEB, Would you consider installing a solar array on the land near the new tanks? It seems like an appropriate use of that flat sunny space up there! I live on the shady side of College Hill and I would be interested in buying into Community Solar. Thanks for listening | |
1/9/24 | Online Comment Form | The reservoir has been an important place for our family to connect with neighbors and have a safe space to exercise and ride bikes. Our children have learned to ride their bike on the current site and I would love to see integration of space for bike riding in the new landscaping. We love living on college hill and having a flat place to play on top of the hill has been invaluable. |
1/9/24 | Online Comment Form | I hope that the unique feature of the reservoir that we enjoy now--that is, the open space that allows for views of the city and free roaming and gathering and playing--will be maintained. I hope that there are no plans to slap a playground with swings etc on the space as this is not the character of the space. There is nothing like this place in Eugene--people gather to do Tai Chi, to roller skate, to learn how to ride a bike, to just breathe and watch the moon rise or to see the Neowise comet. |
1/9/24 | Online Comment Form | My hope is that a remnant of the existing structure can be use to preserve some of the essence of the site as it evolves into a new part of the neighborhood. Specifically I'm thinking of the remnant wall outside the Evotrust building in Portland. As for the landscape, ideally it will offer areas that provide for the same programming such as an area or sculpture that helps young kids to ride a bike fore the first time, a view point, a picnic location, hockey, roller skating and open green space |
1/9/24 | Online Comment Form | Greetings. I live directly across the street on Lawrence Street from the reservoir. Our windows and patio have views across the reservoir, so we will be significantly impacted by deconstruction, construction, and permanent visual impact. Also, Lawrence is a regular walking area for people walking for exercise. The permanent visual impact of the reservoir top is important from Lawrence street. I suggest some permanent hedges 20feet tall, as wide a strip as possible,some grass for dogs, benches |
10/24/23 | As 23-year residents of College Hill (26th Ave between Lawrence & Washington), we join our neighbors in expressing concern about the impending demolition of the nearby reservoirs. 2. The two reservoirs and surrounding area serve as both a green oasis and community center for College Hill and indeed the wider community. It is a place for Tai Chi classes, kid birthday parties, roller-blading, learning to ride a bicycle, walking for seniors, watching fireworks and star-gazing. The new design must make every effort to preserve and encourage these activities. Their loss would greatly diminish the quality of life enjoyed by the residents of College Hill and Eugene as a whole. | |
10/24/23 | Hello there-I just read the posted survey responses and it seemed a little lean..? Was this the only group of responses offered by the public? I am now being made aware that most public responses include some sort of visual space for gathering and looking skyward. Activities on the current site are important , valuable to the community as well as offering a large swath of land to be elevated upon for the best view possible in College Hill neighborhood. This all very much brings up feeling that this really will be so impactful and a huge loss for our community on so many, many levels! | |
10/17/23 | My suggestions for the revised water storage space include: Please, please find a way to add embossing or have an artist do some sort of Artistic Concrete Relief work on the concrete that will face outward for the neighborhoods eye appeal. I also have to add and especially after the eclipse viewing party-last Saturday would strongly suggest that EWEB become stewards of this project and create a significant elevated platform for this type of activity to be able to continue! There were at least 450 people that wandered their way up to view the cloud enshrouded eclipse and what a LOSS this poses for the communit to not have the space to climb up onto- to view the stars on summer evenings or eclipses or snow covered Eugene form this height! It will certainly cost more to create this adjustment. However, it should be valued as a neighborhood asset to make sure we as a Community have a large platform for viewing and all the other activities that take place there every day. A grassy landscape or planted landscape will not be a favorable compromise in my opinion. People bought their homes in this area and the reservoir was a feature that became part of the essence of their neighborhood. I ask the you please pass my suggestions get passed along to those who are directly involved in the design phases and maybe put something out to the neighborhood to get the general tone whether they think recreating an elevated platform would be a good direction to head. | |
10/16/23 | Conversation | A neighbor stopped to chat with the EWEB project team while we were meeting at the College Hill site. He said he hoped an informal hardscape could be incorporated into the future design along with other elements like a Japanese Garden. He mentioned there is a flowering tree near the reservoir that would be nice to preserve as well as some strawberry bushes. |
9/12/23 | Comment Card | We also hope to have emergency communications radio antenna access. |
8/23/23 | In regards to where the old [elevated tank] is, I can see that becoming a place for contemplation and meditation or even tai chi or yoga. The neighborhood will be loosing a lot of useable space. In particular, seniors benefit health wise from their tai chi. This would not be very expensive, perhaps a few benches and a grassy area. | |
8/22/23 | This reservoir is a unique, informal hardscape. 1) The view here is spectacular, providing an escape from “urban” life. I have often felt relief visiting the reservoir. 2) The informal nature of this “hardscape” was wonderfully approachable to my daughter. She used the space to learn to ride a bike, roller-skate, drive remote control toys and various similar activities. Our daughter was otherwise intimidated by conventional hardscapes like basketball and tennis courts that are relatively endemic. This “informal hardscape” coupled with the spectacular view made the reservoir a valuable resource. 3) Astronomic opportunity speaks for itself. Hopefully, the renovation will incorporate access to the sunset and other vistas, while providing some similar “urban relief” and recreation. Thanks for your consideration. Mark Thompson | |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | My house backs up to the old reservoir and I appreciate having usable green space. I would like to see better lighting to discourage graffiti, vandalism, etc. I also think it would be nice to consider a dog park! We also love roller skating so paved paths would be accessible and fun. |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | College Hill is a geographic high point separating various parts of the Friendly neighborhood. The FAN emergency response team ("Ready Friendly") uses the existing reservoir surface for our radio communications base, connecting teams around FAN with the City of Eugene emergency response center. It would be great to have access to a paved surface near the top of the hill after the project (as a minimum) "nice to have" - access to emergency power, a pole or tower with GMRS and Ham antennas, and a storage locker for emergency supplies, accessible to the FAN team. Thanks! |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | I am saddened by the loss of such a unique and well utilized concrete space for roller sports and recreation. I will eagerly await to hear about plans for some sort of future replacement. Hundreds of wheeled Eugenians will thank you! |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | We have used the reservoir since 2011 - biking, walking, rollerskating, meet ups with friends. I hope it can be a park-like atmosphere in 2027. |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | Please keep it as accessible green space as possible and figure a way to integrate tanks to have connectors for a pad for people to continue to be able to BE ON. Love the Tai Chi grou pand I do exercise on the pad as well - thank you. |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | I would love for EWEB to preserve a space for bikes, skates, rollerblades, etc. to be able to recreate in the area. This reservoir is an important community asset (and I understand it must be demolished) but it would be wonderful if another flat area could be reserved for us. |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | Got a lot of info about he project and the plan for the new tanks. As a roller skater, who has used this space for the past 2 yrs, I would love to see a new space incorporated for us skaters to go. I would love to see a flat covered space or even a small skate park for all types of wheets. I know this neighborhood would really appreciate a new space for activities. Thanks! |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | I would like to see a new recreation space of smooth flat concrete to replace the old, somewhere for rollerskating, dance performances, frisbee, skate boarding, etc. Also, if possible, it would be fantastic if the space had a roof to make it usable during the rainy months. Thanks! |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | Ensure integration of new tanks with essential current recreational uses. Mitigate view of industrial nature of new facility. Hard and soft scape uses are important but hardscape most unique and special to neighborhood functions. |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | 1) Do fence outside street ROW; 2) Protect large trees; 3) Post project graphics when available; 4) It will be great to update tanks for the next 100 yrs! |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | It would be amazing if part of the park can remain open these next few years. Would love to preserve a view while accessing the park. Would love to still have a big open concrete space. So many of us use this for recreation - star gazing, tai chi, yoga, so many kids have learned how to ride their bikes here, community gathering. |
8/17/23 | Comment Card | I use both the North & South grass areas as well as walk by the East side of the reservoir on a regular basis. I hope that there will be public natural spaces/grass, etc. for the people to use, spend time in, walk through, etc. |
4/6/23 | Dear project team, I appreciate the updates on your plans to ensure a safe water supply, including next steps for the College Hill reservoir. I also appreciate the difficulty of balancing the original purpose of the facility (water supply) with its recreational and community importance, developed over years of enjoyment by immediate neighbors and the larger Eugene community. Thank you for opening up aspects of this project to interested community members—I would very much like to be involved. We live adjacent to the property (2545 Lincoln)and the reservoir has been a part of my family’s life for nearly 20 years…dog walks, bikes, rollerblades, star gazing, etc. I will look forward to reading more about your process, and welcome hearing from you too. Sincerely. | |
4/5/23 | Thank you for the update on the reservoir. Over the last several years I have offered to participate in the design considerations for any future land use or new construction. I live on Lawrence directly across the street so have an interest in both aesthetics and community use. Please continue to consider me as a community representative. Thank you. |