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The Hawkins Hill water tank, constructed in 1963, provides 20 million gallons of storage for Eugene. It is located off Hawkins Lane, just south of 25th Avenue. As part of EWEB's Water Storage Improvement Projects, we plan to replace the existing 57-year-old, 20 million gallon (MG) tank with two 7.5 MG tanks.
Why is this project necessary?
EWEB's Hawkins Hill water storage tank is part of the backbone of the water system that would be needed after an earthquake in order to meet critical community needs, including fire suppression, health and emergency response, and drinking water distribution. However, a 2004 assessment determined the facility does not meet seismic codes. Significant structural repairs are required to meet seismic standards. For about the same cost of retrofitting a 50-year-old facility that still might not withstand an earthquake, we can build two new ones.

Latest news and updates
April 2021: This project is still in the earliest planning stages. As planning progresses, we will reach out to neighbors to discuss site layout, construction, and other details.
Read previous updates and announcements.
Project timeline
We are conducting preliminary planning at this time. This work includes:
- Developing structural requirements for the new tanks (elevation, depth, etc.).
- Conducting site surveys and geotechnical investigations.
- Assessing options on each site for where the new tanks can be built.
- Developing cost estimates.
- Creating community outreach and engagement plans.
Community involvement
We are committed to ensuring all customers have access to information about the project, including timeline, benefits and costs. Those who are highly interested and directly affected, such as site neighbors, will receive up-to-date project details, and have opportunities to share feedback, concerns, and aspirations.
For any property retained by EWEB and not used for storage facilities, site neighbors and other residents will be invited to participate in decisions that involve:
- Landscape design such as earth, rock, water and vegetation features
- Public amenities (outside the fenced tanks) such as interpretive displays, walking paths
Opportunities to be involved and share feedback will be advertised on this website and other channels.
Meetings and events
Date | Event |
Jan. 7, 2020 | Board of Commissioners Meeting |
Related materials and information
KEZI news story - March 2020 |
Hawkins Hill Project Overview - Jan. 2020 |
Water Storage Improvement Project News - Jan. 2020 |
January 2020 Board memo |
Summary of August 2019 Stakeholder Interviews |
Public access to water storage facilities
The new facilities will be designed according to contemporary standards, which prevent public access to critical drinking water facilities. In order to protect our drinking water supply, the new tank structures will be fenced.
Neighbors currently enjoy walking paths around the facility. Understanding that public access has been a valued community benefit, EWEB is evaluating options for maintaining areas of open space at the project site. We intend to work together with neighbors and other stakeholders to re-landscape portions of the site for public use while ensuring responsible use of public funds.