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Water Conservation Loans & Rebates

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Questions about how to save water every day? Please send us an email  or call 541-685-7088.

Saving water is good business

We offer rebates or zero interest loans for water conserving fixture upgrades. Funds are limited, so rebates and loan proposals are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Smart Sprinkler Controller Rebate

Landscape watering is often more than 50% of the total annual water use for a commercial property. To reduce landscape water use, consider buying a new Smart Water Application Technologies (SWAT) performance-tested WaterSense-labeled sprinkler controller.  Sprinkler controllers must be listed on the EPA WaterSense website to qualify for the rebate. Look for the WaterSense label on products or search the WaterSense website for a qualified controller.

We offer the following rebate:

  • $25 per sprinkler zone up to a maximum of $2000 per site

Rebates are for replacing existing commercial sprinkler controllers and are not available for new construction.

EWEB Code Existing Unit New Unit Rebate
WAT-125 No existing timer or not a WaterSense Smart timer WaterSense Smart Timer $25 per Sprinkler Zone

Please contact us before you start your project to see if funds are still available if you plan to replace more than 5 sprinkler controllers.

Ultra High Efficiency Toilet/High Efficiency Toilet Rebate

Older toilets or urinals could be one of your business's largest water uses. Consider buying a new, performance-tested WaterSense-labeled toilet to save water with every flush. Your new toilet must replace a toilet that uses 1.6 gallons or more per flush. Use the EPA WaterSense website to find qualifying toilet models.  The toilets eligible for this rebate must be installed in the Eugene Water & Electric Board water service area and must have a rating of 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf) or less.  Copies of receipts are required, and rebates cannot be processed without them.  Rebate application must be submitted within six months of the toilet installation. If planning on replacing more than 10 toilets, rebate application must be submitted prior to installation. 

We offer the following rebates:

  • $100 rebate for WaterSense labeled 1.00 gpf or less Ultra High Efficiency Toilets (UHET)
  • $50 rebate for WaterSense labeled 1.28 gpf or less High Efficiency Toilets (HET)

EWEB Code Existing Unit New Unit Rebate
WAT-130 1.6 gpf or more 1.00 gpf or less (UHET) $100 per UHET
WAT-135 1.6 gpf or more 1.28 gpf or less (HET) $50 per HET

Please contact us before you start your project to see if funds are still available if you plan to replace more than 10 toilets.

Water Sense labeled Urinal Rebate

New urinals must replace existing urinals that use 1.0 gallons per flush or more.  New construction is not eligible for this rebate. 

We offer the following rebate:

  • $100 rebate for WaterSense labeled 0.5 gpf or less urinals

EWEB Code Existing Unit New Unit Rebate
WAT-140 1.0 gpf or more 0.5 gpf or less (WaterSense labeled) $100 per WaterSense urinal

Please contact us before you start your project to see if funds are still available if you plan to replace more than 10 urinals. 

Technical assistance
If you are looking at your water bill and wondering where its going, we might be able to help. Our new automated meters have the capability of tracking and recognizing unexplained water use.  If your water bill increases unexpectedly, our new meters may be able to determine the cause. 

Loan proposal
If you or your staff have ideas for water-saving investments, let us know. We want to hear your ideas for reducing water usage and may be able to support your efforts with a loan. 

Steps to participate

Please contact us before you start your project to see if funds are still available if you plan to replace more than 5 sprinkler controllers or 10 toilets/urinals. 

  1. Apply now. An EWEB project manager will be assigned to assist you with your project. 
  2. Receive pre-approval for your project. This reserves funding for the proposed project and is required for installations of more than 5 sprinkler controllers or 10 toilets/urinals. 
  3. Install the equipment and dispose of waste properly, as required by law. 
  4. Send us a copy of your invoices including any technology or plumbing specific documentation. 

EWEB may request a pre- or post- inspection of the project to verify installed products are in compliance with program requirements. Four to six weeks from the date EWEB approves the installation, the rebate check will be sent directly to the customer at the mailing address listed on the rebate application. Rebate(s) cannot exceed project cost. 

Our rebates support the following technologies:

  • Smart Sprinkler Controller Timer 
  • Ultra High Efficiency Toilets (UHET, 1.0 gpf or less)/High Efficiency Toilets (HET, 1.28 gpf or less)
  • WaterSense labeled Urinals (0.5 gpf or less)