EWEB and our Pure Water Partners (PWP) are working to assist McKenzie Valley landowners with erosion control on private properties that have been impacted by the Holiday Farm Fire.

Site assessments
If you own land along the McKenzie River that has been affected by the Holiday Farm Fire, we are offering free post-fire assessments to evaluate erosion concerns, hazard trees and soil conditions, and make recommendations for short and long-term erosion control measures and replanting.
What to expect when you participate in a Pure Water Partners (PWP) site assessment:
- After completing the online application, you will receive an Access Agreement to your email address, which you will sign and submit electronically
- Once we receive your signed Access Agreement, a PWP surveyor will contact you to schedule the assessment
- A PWP surveyor will complete the assessment of your property and make site-specific recommendations, which will be summarized in an assessment report
Erosion control measures
Recommended erosion control measures are based on best management practices specific to the conditions of your property and burn severity. Click on the links below to learn more and print information on typical erosion control measures.
Mulching—One of the most effective short-term erosion control techniques following a wildfire.
Sediment fences—Used in areas with low to moderate slopes to trap sediment by ponding water.
Wattles—Rolls of fibers wrapped in degradable netting that deflect and direct flow while trapping sediment.
Hazard trees—Felled hazard trees and slash be retained on site and used as erosion control measures and to retain nutrients.
Revegetation—Sites with low burn intensity will likely re-vegetate readily on their own and require minimal restoration action, while high intensity burn areas may require replanting to limit impacts to water quality and restore habitat.
Check Dams—Can be used to temporarily slow water down, while also collecting sediments being carried through the drainage area.
Erosion blankets—Provide short-term soil stability while vegetation is established in areas of high erosion risk.
Log barriers—Logs placed in a shallow trench on hill slopes to intercept water and trap sediment as an erosion control strategy.
Culvert protection—Protecting and maintaining culverts following a wildfire will help maintain stream flow, reduce erosion risk, and help maintain access to upstream habitat for fish and wildlife.
Native plants—A list of local sources for native plants.