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Here is the history of weekly watering recommendations for the last few years. 

Amount (inches)
2024 week Amt (inches) 2023 week Amt (inches) 2022 week Amt (inches) 2021 week  Amt (inches)
6/6/2024 0.16 5/12/2023 0.00 6/3/2022 0.23 5/21/2021 0.87
6/13/2024 1.36 5/19/2023 1.29 6/10/2022 0.00 5/28/2021 0.34
6/20/2024 1.00 5/26/2023 0.92 6/16/2022 0.00 6/4/2021 1.52
6/27/2024 1.18 6/2/2023 1.12 6/23/2022 0.61 6/11/2021 0.56
7/5/2024 1.59 6/9/2023 1.34 6/30/2022 1.36 6/18/2021 0.00
7/12/2012 1.68 6/16/2023 1.11 7/7/2022 0.55 6/25/2021 1.47
7/19/2024 1.31 6/23/2023 0.78 7/14/2022 1.38 7/2/2021 1.38
7/26/2024 1.29 6/30/2023 1.32 7/21/2022 1.19 7/9/2021 1.39
8/2/2024 0.98 7/7/2023 1.60 7/28/2022 1.23 7/16/2021 1.51
8/9/2024 1.16 7/14/2023 1.17 8/04/2022 1.21 7/23/2021 1.41
8/16/2024 1.02 7/21/2023 1.50 8/11/2022 0.98 7/30/2021 1.45
8/23/2024 0.23 7/28/2023 1.16 8/18/2022 1.10 8/6/2021 1.04
8/30/2024 0.11 8/4/2023 1.26 8/23/2022 0.98 8/13/2021 1.31
9/6/2024 0.82 8/11/2023 1.19 9/1/2022 0.87 8/20/2021 0.98
9/13/2024 0.00 8/18/2023 1.50 9/8/2022 0.89 8/27/2021 0.82
9/20/2024 0.15 8/25/2023 0.95 9/15/2022 0.57 9/3/2021 0.98
9/27/2024 0.42 9/1/2023 0.63 9/23/2022 0.36 9/10/2021 0.90
10/4/2024 0.62 9/8/2023 0.58 9/29/2022 0.66 9/17/2021 0.77
10/14/2024 0.29 9/15/2023 0.79 10/06/2022 0.45 9/24/2021 0.00
10/18/2024 0.31 9/22/2023 0.76 10/13/2022 0.45 10/1/2021 0.00
10/25/2024 0.00 9/29/2023 0.00
10/5/2023 0.00