Electric Outage: 1-844-484-2300
Water Emergency: 541-685-7595
EWEB Main: 541-685-7000
Send written comments:
EWEB, Attn: Commissioner Schlossberg
4200 Roosevelt Boulevard
Eugene, OR 97402
Thank you for contacting Commissioner Schlossberg. Your message has been received and will be fully considered, and if appropriate shared with EWEB personnel. A copy of your message is also provided to the General Manager's office in case timely action is needed.
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Mailing Address: 4200 Roosevelt Blvd., Eugene, OR 97402
Phone: 541-685-7000
Toll free: 800-841-5871
Email: eweb.answers@eweb.org
Customer service phone hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday