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Eugene residents share energy and water saving tips
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EWEB awarded $1 million for wildfire resiliency projects from Federal funding package
Funds will be used to support fuels reduction work on a landscape scale in high-risk areas in the McKenzie River Valley and Eugene South Hills.
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New technology helps EWEB customers prevent 170M+ gallons of water waste in 2024
Smart meters detect when water is left running continuously – saving customers hundreds of thousands of dollars so far this year as we head into the “leaky season.”
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Start the New Year saving money with energy saving tips
We know that saving money is important to our customers. Using energy and water wisely is a great way to reduce your monthly utility bill, even as the costs of electricity and water rise. EWEB has several steps you can take to reduce your usage and even make your home feel more comfortable.
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Have an energy efficient and water conscious holiday season
The holiday season is officially upon us. Whether you are celebrating a special holiday or just sharing a meal with close friends and family, hosting can cause some unexpected energy and water usage increases – resulting in a higher utility bill. We’ve prepared some tips on how you can save energy and water this holiday season.
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EWEB programs reflect community values
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Bethel neighbors boost emergency preparedness during Emergency Water Station event
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Water conservation tips for a drought-stricken Lane County
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Water use in summer more than twice as high as winter
EWEB customers use more than twice as much water in the hot, dry summer months, compared to the cold, rainy winter months. The higher summer water use can almost assuredly be attributed to customers watering their lawns and gardens.
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EWEB pursues second water treatment plant to ensure resiliency
Eugene is one of the largest cities on the west coast with only a single source of drinking water, the McKenzie River. And though the McKenzie is a pure, reliable water source, EWEB will secure a second source ensure resiliency in the future, planning to build a water treatment plant on the Willamette River, upstream of Eugene and Springfield.
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Energy Reduction Tips for National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
Energy Efficiency tips to help you reduce your energy usage for National Cut your Energy Costs Day
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Eugene elementary students release salmon back to the wild
At Alton Baker Park this week, Eugene 4J elementary students bid farewell to baby salmon they’d raised from eggs in their classrooms this fall. The activity was part of the Salmon Education Program funded by EWEB grants.
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4J students get hands-on salmon education thanks to EWEB grants
On a chilly November day, third graders from Adams Elementary School in Eugene learned about the lifecycle of native salmon on a field trip to Lake Creek near Triangle Lake. The field trips take place all month as part of a program funded by EWEB grants. EWEB dedicates a portion of customer rates to inspiring kids to explore the wonders of science and learn about watershed health, water quality, and emergency preparedness.
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EWEB conducts “spill drill” on the Willamette River
EWEB conducted a multi-agency spill drill on the Willamette River this week. The practice session was to help refresh and hone skills that will be essential to respond to an actual disaster involving an oil spill in the Willamette.
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We're prepared for extreme heat and high electric use. Learn how you can be ready too.
We are working to ensure our systems are ready to perform through extreme heat. Check out tips and resources to help you stay safe and comfortable while conserving energy.
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Tips to Prepare Your Pipes for Freezing Weather
October 25, 2023 • Adam Spencer, Communications Specialist
With fall colors come our first freezes of the season – make sure your home is prepared for freezing temperatures with these tips to protect your pipes.
First, remove and store your garden hoses and cover your hose bibs with weather proof covers.
Drain your underground sprinkler system piping and backflow assembly. If your backflow assembly is above ground, cover it with a weather-proof insulated cover. Below ground assemblies are typically safe from freezing temperatures, but adding spray foam to the bottom of the lid can provide additional freeze protection.
Wrap any other pipes located in unheated areas like attics or crawlspaces with foam insulation too.
Finally, make sure you can locate your water meter, and check that you can fully shut off your customer-side hand valve. It’s helpful to be able to turn off your water in case your pipes burst due to the oncoming rainy season causing pipes move as the soil becomes saturated or if cold weather freezes your pipes.
Thanks for taking a moment to protect your pipes – a little preparation now can save you a lot of time and money to prevent leaks due to the changing weather.
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