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We provide a water dispensing station for the convenience of contractors, street sweeping companies and people trucking water for domestic use.

Our water dispensing station is located at 3402 W. First Avenue in Eugene (between Seneca and Wallis). A 2.5" MALE fire hose thread connection and a 3/4" MALE garden hose thread connection are available for use.  The station requires a Portapay account and a padlock key.   

How to purchase and access the water

Call EWEB customer service at 541-685-7000 to schedule an appointment to get a key for the padlock. Previous keys from the old station will work with the new station.

The dispensing station uses Portapay. To set up a Portapay account:

  • Go to

  • Click "Create New Account," and use PAL7200 as your location number

  • Once you complete and sumbit your information, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Click the link to confirm your email address.

  • Login at and make a payment using the "Manage Funds" page

  • Use the access number and PIN on the Access Numbers page to login at the station and draw water

  • Cost is $5 per 1,000 gallons

  • Refunds can only be issued from PortaPay and require a valid payment method associated with the account

Questions? Give us a call for more information at (541) 685-7000.

Usage tips:

  • To disinfect the fitting between users, spray the fitting with a 50 percent water/50 percent bleach solution.

  • When running for 30 seconds, a 2.5-inch hose connection will yield 150 gallons.

  • When running for 30 seconds, a .75-inch hose connection will yield 5 gallons.

The Springfield Utility Board operates a water pay station at 202 S. 18th in Springfield. The station takes quarters and is equipped with a 2.5" MALE fire hose thread connection.

The City of Veneta operates a water pay station on Cornerstone Drive between Highway 126 and Jeans Road. The station takes pre-paid cards available from the City of Veneta and is equipped with a 2" and 3" female cam lock connection.