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Get in touch with John.

John can be reached at 541-685-7719 or by email. It's important to us you receive a timely response, so your email will be copied to the General Manager's office.

John Barofsky joined the board in 2021.  He was elected to represent Wards 2 & 3.  His current term will expire in 2028.  He is currently serving as board president.

Photograph of Commissioner Barofsky

John has lived in Eugene since 1982 and has been in the restaurant industry for over 30 years. He is the co-owner of Beppe & Gianni's Trattoria, which opened in 1998. He values finding solutions to challenges by working with people from different points of view and backgrounds.

His community involvement started in 2000 as a supporter of the Oregon Athletic Department. In 2001, he joined the Fairmont Neighborhood Association (FNA) where he served as Chair and remains an active board member. Inspired by the grass roots activity of the FNA, he then spent seven years on the City of Eugene's Budget Committee. He Served 8 years on the City of Eugene Planning Commission, Travel Lane County, and the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Associate Executive Committee. He also sits on the Eugene Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee and Board of Directors, as well as City of Eugene Street Bond Review Panel.

John strongly believes his business and community service experience will bring innovative thinking about how to deal with tasks such as keeping rates low, protecting our watershed and further development of a clean, carbon-free portfolio.

John enjoys biking, all and any University of Oregon games, the Portland Trailblazers and driving the beautiful Oregon countryside with his wife of 20 years, Conni.