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EWEB Commissioners Present Awards for Poster Contest

October 18, 2019

Sonya Carlson presenting girl with award in front of classmates

For the fifth year running, EWEB held a poster contest for area fifth graders in honor of Public Power Week. EWEB Commissioners this week stopped by classrooms around Eugene to present winning artists with awards.

The theme of the 2019 contest was, "Brought to you by electricity..." asking students to consider how they use electricity in their daily lives. Nearly 300 students from area schools submitted entries that varied from focusing on technology that many people now take for granted to considering what life would be like without readily available electricity. 

EWEB staff selected six winning posters (there was a tie for third place). Commissioners stopped by the students' classrooms to deliver an award and briefly talk about the role electricity plays in the community. 

"It is very rewarding to see the students light up when presented with the award and watching them explain to their classmates what they did for their poster. It's just a great interaction," says EWEB Commissioner John Brown.

Who owns your utility?

There are three types of electric utilities: public power, rural electric cooperatives and investor-owned utilities.

EWEB is a public utility, meaning we are community-owned and do not operate to earn a profit or to serve the investment needs of stockholders. Instead, EWEB is chartered by the City of Eugene to serve the interests of its citizens. We are owned by the people of Eugene and it's our job to provide reliable, affordable water and electricity for our customers. 

During Public Power Week, local students learn about and celebrate the advantages that locally-owned and operated electric utilities provide

2019 Public Power Week Poster Contest Winners

First Place, Morgan from O'Hara Catholic School
First place poster

Second Place, Lillian from Awbrey Park Elementary
Second place poster

Third Place (tie), Alice from O'Hara Catholic School 
Third place poster

Third Place (tie), John from O'Hara Catholic School
Third place poster

Fourth Place, Josie from Gilham Elementary
Fourth place poster

Fifth Place, Paige from El Camino del Rio Elementary
Fifth place poster

As a public utility, EWEB has a role to play in shaping the future by engaging with the next generation on the value of public power and the critical role it plays in the vitality of the community.

Learn more about how EWEB supports local education programs.