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Scheduled Portal Maintenance

Payment services, including online bill pay and pay-by-phone, will be unavailable Saturday, March 8 from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. Sunday, March 9, as we perform scheduled system maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience. 


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Partnerships Bring Resources for Recovery

January 13, 2021

Northwest Youth Corps crews install sediment fences on properties along McKenzie River

In the aftermath of the Holiday Farm Fire, landowners and organizations throughout the McKenzie Valley are banding together to rebuild community, protect our treasured McKenzie River, and lay the groundwork for tomorrow's healthy forests.

Under one such effort, a group of local organizations known as Pure Water Partners is helping property owners assess fire damage and bring resources for erosion control and replanting.

To date, Pure Water Partners has assessed more than 180 properties and many participating landowners have received free assistance such as hydroseeding, mulching, and installation of wattles or sediment fences.

This voluntary program helps residents restore their land and prepare for rebuilding while reducing the impacts of the fire on the McKenzie River. The McKenzie provides critical habitat for fish and wildlife and is the source of drinking water for 200,000 people downstream. Many valley residents have wells that are influenced by the mainstem McKenzie or its tributaries.

Pure Water Partners is a joint effort of EWEB, McKenzie Watershed Council, McKenzie River Trust, Cascade Pacific Resource Conservation & Development, Metropolitan Waste Management Commission, Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District, US Forest Service, and other partners working together to support and reward McKenzie landowners who protect high-quality land along the river.

Landowners who complete a Pure Water Partners burn assessment will have the opportunity to participate in revegetation assistance programs aimed at restoring riparian and floodplain areas.  

To request a free assessment, go to or visit the Vida Relief Center.