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State Energy Tax Credits Expiring Dec. 31, 2017

November 30, 2017

Picture of ductless heat pump outside unit

EWEB offers rebates and loans to make energy efficiency upgrades in your home or rental property. In addition to EWEB incentives, the following devices are eligible for a state tax credit through the Oregon Department of Energy.

Ductless Heat Pumps

EWEB IncentiveOregon Residential Energy Tax Credit
A $650 rebate per qualifying residence. A zero interest loan up to $4,000 for single-head systems plus $1,500 for each additional head. $1,200 to $1,300, depending on Heating Season Performance Factor (HSPF) rating.

Ducted Heat Pumps

EWEB IncentiveOregon Residential Energy Tax Credit
A $1,000 rebate per qualifying residence. Up to a $12,000 zero interest loan ($7,000 for a manufactured home). $800 to $1,125, depending on Heating Season Performance Factor (HSPF) rating.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

EWEB IncentiveOregon Residential Energy Tax Credit
$300-$400 rebate depending on Tier qualification. Customers converting from a gas water heater to an efficient electric heat pump water heater may qualify for a loan up to $1,500 in addition to the rebate. $300 to $600, depending on Northern Climate Specification Product Tier.

The Oregon tax credit program is scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2017. To qualify for a tax credit:

  • RETC devices must be purchased by December 31, 2017;
  • Devices must be operational by April 1, 2018; and
  • ODOE must receive your application no later than June 1, 2018.

For more information on the Oregon Residential Energy Tax Credit Program, visit

Save energy and money

If you heat with electricity, a heat pump can reduce the amount of energy you use for heating by as much as 30-40 percent. A ductless system can save even more: 25 to 50 percent on the heating portion of your electric bill. Heat pump water heaters can be two to three times more energy efficient than traditional water heaters.

Reduce your carbon footprint

With EWEB's nearly 90 percent renewable power, efficient heat pumps and heat pump water heaters powered by EWEB are cleaner, greener and cheaper than any other fuel option.

Check out our website for more information on EWEB energy efficiency rebates and loans.