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Talking Efficiency with Your Landlord

October 30, 2019

A young woman relaxing on a sofa with a ductless heat pump mounted on the wall

Many rental property owners want to do the right thing by their tenants, but efficiency improvements aren't always top-of-mind. If you think your landlord might be receptive to investing in simple upgrades that would make the home more comfortable and reduce your utility bills, here are some tips for having the "efficiency talk."

Focus on benefits to the landlord

Rental property owners are essentially investors. They want to know their investments are protected and will gain in value over time. Some benefits to the landlord of making efficiency upgrades include:

  • Attract and retain long-term, quality tenants.
  • If your landlord covers some or all of the utility costs, efficiency upgrades will reduce their monthly bills.
  • Upgrades to insulation and windows can protect the property by reducing moisture.
  • Efficiency improvements can increase the value of the property.

Point out utility incentives

Make sure your landlord knows about EWEB's rebate and loan programs. This includes ductless heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, windows and insulation. If you (the tenant) qualify for income-based programs, your landlord may be eligible for expanded rebates. In some cases, rental owners could experience zero out of pocket cost to make efficiency upgrades for qualifying limited-income rentals. That's a big selling point!

Do some research

The more specific you can be about the improvements you want and why they will make a difference, the more likely your landlord will be to agree. Contact EWEB to see if an efficiency audit has already been conducted at your residence. There's a good chance we have a record of your home's efficiency level and recommended improvements.

If you meet income guidelines, or if you might be at risk for disconnection of services, an EWEB specialist can come out to your residence, evaluate it for energy and water efficiency, and provide a report to your landlord.

To schedule a free energy audit for your home or apartment, call 541-685-7089, or click here and we will contact you to set an appointment.

As a bonus, customers participating in this free Efficiency Education Program will receive a kit with energy and water-saving products and basic emergency preparedness supplies!

Appeal to their good nature

There are definitely landlords out there who are keen to reduce their environmental impact and provide a livable home for their tenants. Remind your landlord that inefficient rentals are uncomfortable and costly to heat. They also waste energy, putting extra demands on the grid and producing more greenhouse gas emissions.