Get in touch with Mindy.
Mindy can be reached at 541-685-7626 or by email. It's important to us you receive a timely response, so your email will be copied to the General Manager's office.
Mindy Schlossberg joined the board in 2019. She was elected to represent all EWEB customers in the at-large position. Her current term expires 2026. Mindy is currently serving as board vice-president

Mindy has lived in Eugene since 2001 with her husband and 3 three children. She holds master's degrees in Communications Disorders (University of Oregon) and Environmental Studies (San Jose State University) and has an undergraduate degree in Psychology (UCLA). She is currently works as a speech language pathologist with Early Childhood CARES, working with children and families throughout Lane County. Before becoming a speech language pathologist, Mindy worked for several nonprofit environmental organizations in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., and served as an environmental educator as a Peace Corps volunteer in Fiji.
As a Commissioner, Mindy is proud of EWEB's commitment to the environment and wants to ensure that EWEB stays at the forefront of climate friendly practices. She believes that affordability is a key issue and goes hand-in-hand with conservation. She is proud to serve the entire EWEB service area as at-large Commissioner and looks forward to working with other city leaders and local organizations to harness our collective energy to make Eugene a better place for everyone.