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Rising Together: Female operation staffers begin industry mentorship program
One week into Women's History Month and just before International Women's Day on March 8, three women in EWEB leadership roles embarked on a 10-month-long journey of mentorship, fellowship, and professional development.
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EWEB and BRING cook up new ways to help Eugene businesses save energy
Businesses can cut energy costs with EWEB’s free Energy Assessments and efficiency programs. Plus, for a limited time, BRING is offering $1,000 rebates for qualifying upgrades—apply by Feb. 28!
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EWEB Board Adopts 2025 Goals
Goals focus on supporting low-income community members and renters, while improving operational efficiency.
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PNW Lineman Rodeo raises $85,000 for Oregon Burn Center
EWEB line techs are proud partners and participants in the rodeo fundraiser every year.
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Eugene residents share energy and water saving tips
From blocking a draft to replacing your heating system, each action you take can save water and electricity.
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EWEB customers and employees share the love through Energy Share donations
EWEB budgets funding to help customers struggling to pay their utility bill, but the need is always greater than what we can provide alone. Energy Share, our customer donation funded program helps fill the gap.
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EWEB leverages Oregon Clean Fuels Program to support electric mobility
Five grants support programs benefiting homeless youth and bike sharing, among others.
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Frigid weather drives highest energy demand of the winter so far
Peak electricity demand this season surpasses demand levels during last year’s ice storm.
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Cold Weather, Higher Energy Bills: Why It Happens
Eugene is experiencing some of the coldest temperatures we've seen this winter. When temperatures drop into the 20s, heating systems must work much harder to keep homes warm. Even if you leave your thermostat untouched, your heating system will consume more energy to maintain a steady indoor temperature as the outdoor temperature plummets.
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EWEB awarded $1 million for wildfire resiliency projects from Federal funding package
Funds will be used to support fuels reduction work on a landscape scale in high-risk areas in the McKenzie River Valley and Eugene South Hills.
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EWEB Board Approves 2025 Budget and Rate Increases to Fund Critical Infrastructure Investments
EWEB’s budget is less than initially projected while still addressing aging infrastructure and rising costs to ensure reliable utility services for Eugene.
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Giving the gift of preparedness
The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to help your friends and family prepare for an emergency or disaster.
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EWEB continues 2025 budget and rate-setting process
EWEB’s elected Board of Commissioners are considering rate changes intended to help maintain reliable utility services and support essential investments in Eugene’s water and electric infrastructure.
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Celebrating the new Currin Substation
After two years of rebuilding the substation, EWEB honors the Currin Substation with a ribbon-cutting.
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2025 rate update: Less than Initially Forecasted
While the costs of producing and delivering electricity and water are rising, EWEB is actively working to reduce the financial impact of rate increases in 2025.
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My EV Story: Bill's Tesla Model 3
February 07, 2020
We had committed several years ago that our next car would be an electric vehicle. We had a 2001 VW Passat with well over 100,000 miles on it and had hoped it would last until we could buy an EV. We wanted something with styling we liked and plenty of range for road trips.
In early 2016, we were able to get a first-day reservation for a Tesla Model 3. We took delivery in February 2018, almost two years later.
And now, having owned our EV for almost two years, there are two things we say:
1) We absolutely LOVE it! We are saving probably about $60 per month on fuel (we took a 2,000-mile road trip in late 2018 and only spent $100 for charging).
2) I don't think we could ever go back to a gas car. It's quiet, much better for the environment, quick and responsive with virtually no maintenance.
That's our story. If you want to read more about our thoughts, I have blogged since taking delivery at Just click on the Tesla tab at the top.